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Introducing Trufa


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Hello there Guys :D


                       I am Trufa



First of all I would like to say THANK YOU to the devs. This is such an awesome game, not only because of the pokemon, but the whole plot.


I come by Reborn through 9gag.com more than a year ago, on episode 15, there was this picture from a guy on the starters room, and I thought "that's exactly a game I would like to play", but well, it wasn't that nice. I have always played the official games like, take the pokes I like, full it with damage attacks (charizard with ember, fire blast, slash and flamethrower) and just go RAAAAWWRing everything, and in my head, I should just play like that, it was all fun and games until I hit a wall called Florinia (Julia wasn't that hard with 6 pokemon lvl 15), only then I think pokemon have started for me.


- From now on I'll try to sumarize my playthroughs, if you are not interested please, read the end, I have some doubts!! -


So, my first playthrough was a disaster, I just went capturing any pokemon I like, training it exhaustively (by this I mean leveling up) on the most leveled areas (I didn't know about the trainers on the grand hall) and trying every single pokemon I had in a team to defeat the gym leaders. DAMN, Florinia took me more than a day, Shade, Noel, Charlotte, Terra, Ciel two days or more. Frustating. And from the failures I started looking for information on pokemons, and here things started. I learned about the base stats of pokemons and started changing the team as the pokemons I found had high base stats, I didn't even know about natures and EV's/IV's. This way, with patience and a little luck from the RNG, I could beat everyone but Adrienn, until this day she sitting there waiting for me.


Well, then I started a second playthrough, now knowing more about Reborn, I started looking on the forum for the best pokemon to use and the best nature + moveset for them, EV's/IV's seemed like too much for me yet. The game was easier, but I spend a whole bunch of time training three boxes of pokemon, since everyone has their own prefered pokemons to use, but well, served me good to know which one is better for me. This time again, I could do nothing to Adrienn.


Then I found out Ep. 16 was released, and why not start a new run? With all knowledge I got since the beginning, it would be easier and faster. This last run I got 6 pokemons that would be my main team, and others, from different types and ones I like, to rotate when needed. Here's a picture from them. On the mean team I got an Adamant Blaziken, a Modest Raichu, a Naive Floatzel, an Adamant Leavanny, a Modest Meowstic, and a Modest Noivern. With them I was able to defeat everyone before Ciel without rotating and, with some adaptation, I could finally beat Adrienn, Xe didn't stand a chance. HAHA. I have 6 fire pokes because it's the type I like the most and because of Charlotte, damn hot girl. 




- Here I finish my playthroughs -


Well, now I am turning my eyes to breeding and EV's/IV's, I started a roserade breeding at some point on the third run, but it took a lot of time and the offspring didn't come out good enough (Timid Roserade with Extrasensory + Leaf Storm and a good set of IV's seems close to impossible) and it was time consuming as I was aiming to beat Adrienn. Now come the doubts:


- Can someone point me a link explaining how to breed? I already know about magma armor, egg groups but it seems that I am lacking something.

- Is it possible to trade with myself? I would like to start a new run with the same pokemon in the picture, but now with worked IV's and moves to see how things work out

- About wonder trade: since a play in two pcs, I have two different save files at different points, and on the older file, I made a wonder trade with my Riolu (the same on this picture) and my question is: since the pokemons have different ID's but the old and the new save file have the same pokemon, could there be a problem if the two find each other on the same party?

- Last question: Looks like Ditto can give great confort on the breeding proccess, is it hard to obtain a 6 IV's ditto? Does anyone have one to spare? Hard thing to ask but, I could trade anything. I'm aware about Zarc and Co. but I would like to breed my own pokemons and just get one or two that I don't have from them.

- EDIT - Also, how can I make those trainer cards to put on my profile? My team should get some atention! HAHA


Well, I think that's all. Thanks a lot for the game devs, nice game, nice sound, nice plot, nice everything. 10/10

I also would like to say sorry for any English mistakes, it's not my native language.

See you there ;* 

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51 minutes ago, Trufa said:

I come by Reborn through 9gag.com more than a year ago, on episode 15, there was this picture from a guy on the starters room, and I thought "that's exactly a game I would like to play"

That's exactly how I first heard of the game, except in my case it was about 2 years ago.


Welcome to Reborn, dear Trufa. Enjoy your stay~

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welcome to reborn! i am a local bard here to help in anyway i can so i will start with the things i can


1 hour ago, Trufa said:

- Is it possible to trade with myself? I would like to start a new run with the same pokemon in the picture, but now with worked IV's and moves to see how things work out

from what i have gathered unless you have 2 computers then no

1 hour ago, Trufa said:

- EDIT - Also, how can I make those trainer cards to put on my profile? My team should get some atention! HAHA

i do believe that was something that could be made in this site's earlier days but i you could ask someone to make one for you

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@Jace Stormkirk As I said, I play in two computers (I have a desktop at home and a laptop to elsewhere) so it should work out, regarding the profile, I'll see if there is someone who can help! Many thanks!!


@_GJ_ Thank youu


@Zarc Man, do you have a direct link with Arceus or something? HAHA what should I do?


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@Hooligan For sure helped! Now I don't need to have two computers running at the same time! I hope I could get one metagross as good as yours through my breedings. I saw your introduction here on the Grand Hall, salutations from Brasil ;) anyway, many thanks!

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.........I mean welcome to the forums.


You can also trade with yourself using Reborn Hardcore or Reborn Sandbox to open the second game.  Haven't tried Hooligans method, since I try not to mess with stuff I don't know.  same principle though

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Howdy ho there Trufa! A most gregarious greetings to you and a warm welcome to the forums of Reborn! (also nice chibi Blaziken)


2 hours ago, Trufa said:

- Can someone point me a link explaining how to breed? I already know about magma armor, egg groups but it seems that I am lacking something.

Breeding can be quite tricky sometimes, but with the right know how, and a little bit of luck, it's pretty manageable. First things first, Destiny Knot. A pokemon holding a Destiny Knot will pass down 5 IV's at random instead of the normal 3, so if you got a good 'mon, that's how  how you get a 5/6 IV egg. Also, if you want to ensure that the baby inherits a specific IV, the parent with the IV you want needs to hold the right EV gain item (Power Band, Power Lens, etc.) All this is right off of the Pokemon wiki (just Google search breeding to find it) Also, if you just want a 'mon without going through all the hassle, Zarc usually handles the trades.

1 hour ago, Zarc said:

6iv shiny ditto

wut? I know your the grand trade master..... but wut? That exists?


3 hours ago, Trufa said:

- EDIT - Also, how can I make those trainer cards to put on my profile? My team should get some atention! HAHA

There's a really cool site out there called http://www.pokestadium.com/ that allows you to post trainer cards and even awesome animations of your 'mon like this:  dragonite-4.gif.cba8add10b0f0fb236b0d3d4bc463caa.gif


And yeah, to trade with yourself, you could use any of the mods available or Hooligan's method.


Hope that covers all your questions. If you have any more feel free to ask. So without further ado, enjoy your stay here, and see ya 'round!

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@Dragoknight Well this should help me a lot, I read the link @FairFamily send too, I think I won't have too much trouble, just need a lot of time to spend haha

4 minutes ago, Dragoknight said:

Also, if you just want a 'mon without going through all the hassle, Zarc usually handles the trades.

Maybe I'll make a trade to get some pokes that I can't get through my playthorughs, like Axew, but I would like to breed them myself ^^

5 minutes ago, Dragoknight said:

wut? I know your the grand trade master..... but wut? That exists?

About it, I think @Zarc was kidding me hard :/ maybe I'll have to find like 3 or 4 dittos with some good IV's and hope for the best.


Anyway, thank you! I'll look this site and update my profile as soon as I can. See ya!

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@Zarc I'll never doubt you again LOL. About the trade, I don't really want a shiny ditto, could be a 5 or 6 IV's normal ditto. I have 10 minutes before class, I'll be waiting with a Timid roselia with well IV's. If you aree not here, I'll be available in two hours for now.


Btw, nickname is Trufa

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