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Kayle is mad strong


I tried Kayle top for the first time in ranked against a Renekton, cause a friend said she shat on him.

I ended up feeding 6 kills or something within 15 minutes. Teamfights then started, and suddenly my ult was the gamechanger in every one of them.

She's like the only champ to not be completely useless when she gets behind. God I hate her.

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God I love her again

on the second game, the 1v2's were real. So many times I lived with like 1 hp after murdering them. Jax was like 1/11 at the end of laning or something

then he got fed from roaming and jinx came along to crush my dreams and lucian couldnt really position well


It was fun anyway, oh my god. I'm still sussing out a good build for her, so dont hate for the weirdest Riven builds ever. <3

Edited by Alatreon
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Actually Frozen Heart was probably a good idea seeing as they had a Jax/Nasus on the team and it gives 20% CDR to a resourceless champ. a 450 HP shield every 4 seconds? Don't mind if I do.

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Story time! Have you ever been in solo queue and someone picks before you? Of course you have! Have they ever picked a champion that could go either mid lane or support and as soon as they lock in you immediately ask what role/position they're playing? I do! Normally, most people are considerate enough to give you a response with at least 5 seconds to make a pick however this soraka said absolutely nothing. Naturally because no one likes to play support I assumed she was mid, furthermore she was also carrying heal. Since the nerfs a few patches back, double heal bot has not been a thing so I picked Braum because I'm good with him. That being said after EVERYONE has picked and with 3 seconds to lauch, soraka says "I'm support." Not only did she feed (trust me, she only has that many assists because she ulted when she didn't need to) but she also fucked me over...or so i thought. So I went midlane as braum and absolutely wrecked Leblanc and me (and my duo) carried the game because every other lane was losing. Also that Soraka should never play soraka in ranked again, her avg kda with her is atrocious and going 0-9-24 as support is NOT good.

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