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dear rito

today I went botlane as veigar with diana and got 1448 AP

mission success

^ What the hell is a meta-game for anyways? xD

Fuck this, i'm going top lane Soraka.

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Braum skips buying Mercury's Treads against a Veigar and decides to itemize against the inexistent physical damage

god bless

there tend to be a lot of people who decide to stick to the same build on the champ they play no matter what

personally, aware of the overwhelming AD I was likely to face, I grabbed tear and crystalline and then rushed straight for zhonyas from seeker's

^ What the hell is a meta-game for anyways? xD

Fuck this, i'm going top lane Soraka.

considering that soraka has like 0 sustain for herself to fight against the big bulkies since the rework i'd say nah

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Crit Darius is ridiculous with his ratios. I was doing so much damage at 30 minutes that I essentially forced MF and Syndra to build Guardian Angel immediately. Wouldn't recommend this build in like a ranked game or something, but I got fed enough off of Wukong that it was a good way to go. Man that was fun.

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um... i have no idea HOW, but we completely slaughtered them.

poor enemy akali got so scared of me she simply didn't react for a split second due to the jumpscare of when i charged at her from the bush while going dragon form.

i'm not even decent with shyvana, i felt sorry for her ._."

honored enemy vayne and leona afterwards because they were the only ones who actually put up a fight.

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