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this match was intense and awesome and both teams had extremely good teamwork

everybody was a bit skeptical when ashe asked to go mid but DAYUM i couldn't have asked for a better tag team partner <3

akali gave me hell alongside pantheon in early game but she made a terrible mistake: she let me Q farm.

after that i skyrocketed and destroyed every single turret that wasn't inside the enemy base while ashe was fending off azir, pantheon and akali on her own.

i was killing off azir, sona and akali in two Qs late game due to the sheer amount of farm i got. i never felt so OP.


@below post - oh, thanks for the tip.

Edited by Telos
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Nice job. Quick tip though. Never build two items that come from Sheen. They all have the Unique Passive - Spellblade. Unique Passives are unable to stack, so iirc whichever you bought first will be the only one to take that spellblade passive's effects.

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Memories of Season 2



Nice job. Quick tip though. Never build two items that come from Sheen. They all have the Unique Passive - Spellblade. Unique Passives are unable to stack, so iirc whichever you bought first will be the only one to take that spellblade passive's effects.

With Spellblade however (might be for other named effects), it runs on a priority system of sorts, NOT whatever you bought first. Lich Bane's Spellblade will always take priority, then Iceborn Gauntlet, then Trinity Force, then regular Sheen.

Typically if I find myself wanting both, I'll get Iceborn, then forego Triforce in favor of Statikk Shiv, aka the "poor man's triforce". BoltBeam is OP.



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Got too fed early game. Pretty sure this game taught the xin zhao player to be very careful when over extending. Got first blood around like 3 or 4 minutes on him. He still kept over extending without placing any wards and so I got fed off of him mostly. This game went too well for me. Also, loved the new passive for Nocturne because that also got me some kills.

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Even though this was aram and we lost dammit Yasuo and Yi I still did pretty good with Olaf :3

Also idk how it you do it so it shows the pic automatically without having to click the link :I

I literally just right click and "copy image"

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for two whole years I have used the image tag.

two whole godforsaken years. and now i know you can just right click / ctrl v.

I'm done with this. Bye :[

I own this place and I didn't know that.

Carry on.

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Good players don't bash and get rude at their teamates when they aren't doing well, they take the lead and still win the fucking game.

This match got a little bit personal because the enemy katarina was being a complete asshole at enemy morgana (who wasn't even playing that badly btw)

she even called morgana a "useless pile of trash" who got really ofended, so i stepped in to defend her. It was good to carry my own team who weren't doing well themselves and shut katarina's foul mouth at the end.

heimerdinger even called me a hero, i felt happy <3

Edited by Telos
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BotRK over Nashor's Tooth, friend, but otherwise that's actually super good, considering that at ~level 20 I was absolutely horrid at the game.

This isn't a good game, but I wanna point out a little something like Blue Build Udyr.


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BotRK over Nashor's Tooth, friend, but otherwise that's actually super good, considering that at ~level 20 I was absolutely horrid at the game.

This isn't a good game, but I wanna point out a little something like Blue Build Udyr.


We don't talk about Blue Build Udyr...

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Hey man, I was 7-2 until it came to late game where our one dude fed that Cho'gath to unkillable proportions >:[

With a Blade of the Ruined King build you can probably 1v1 Cho'Gath easily as Udyr.

Otherwise you may not be using your stances correctly.

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So apparently tacos can also play support, and incredibly good at that too. Nice job you two.

If you main adc it isn't too hard to transition to support. You know the matchups, you know the fighting styles, and all you need to do is get good at the champ and it works. Throw me in any other position and I'm shit.

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^ That jax was a huge troll, he fed olaf to death and tried to kill steal twitch non stop =S

unfortunately i too fed annie because i got lag at the beginning of the match =/

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