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And i just realized i also bought 2 boots in the rush LOL

i KNEW i was missing HP.

We all make mistakes.

On the bright side, though I wouldn't actually recommend taking two pairs of boots under any circumstance, you did have Slow Resist AND Tenacity, which is useful against a team with all that CC (especially since you're mordekaiser).

And now for a game with a champ who does a ton of damage and I seemingly forgot about. Damn, Vi is fun.


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Yeah, it sucked cause Shiri and I were hella fed too.

we woulda won if riot didnt hate me and didn't do that annoying bug where it doesnt use a new skin and just uses classic/another skin :[

(side note: Has anyone else ever experienced that problem? Its actually really annoying tbh.)

Edited by Annie Leonhardt
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Enemy Kalista talked mad shit about how "this isn't ur game is it, Shy?" "i'd teach you but you're a retard"

Talk shit, get hit, bitch.

I'm that one Katarina that jumps into the middle of a teamfight, realizes "Oh shit I can't win this," Zhonya's, and still ends up dying trying to escape.

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no see ezreal's a great tank because you distract the entire enemy team and never let them catch you

Well there was this one game that I led the entire enemy team on a chase for me while the rest of my team secure baron, drag, and 3 towers. That was a fun game.

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Inaugural game for my new mouse:


So I was supposed to be support, but Jinx was not very good at being ADC so I decided to try to carry the lane. Had the best KDR most of the game (if if you count assists for anything, at the end too) since I died the least early on ^w^ (Both of my deaths were from Nami too XD) Also completely forgot to swap trinkets whenever I was in shop >_<

I love Zyra

Also Wendel being a scrub not having Championship Shyv

Edited by KosherKitten
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