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Well guys im practicing unlocked screen again and i wanna fully learn it this time because i realized when playing cho that flash ult combos and stuff like that are difficult in locked mode because the mouse moves when u flash so u have to adjust but when your unlocked you can just keep the mouse on the enemy and just flash and ult.

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Well guys im practicing unlocked screen again and i wanna fully learn it this time because i realized when playing cho that flash ult combos and stuff like that are difficult in locked mode because the mouse moves when u flash so u have to adjust but when your unlocked you can just keep the mouse on the enemy and just flash and ult.

good luck friend

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Well, it appears to be repaired. I know Abyssal and particularly Hextech aren't really needed, but wasn't sure what else to build. Thought that Abyssal would help Shyv and Vlad, even though they had no MR apparently. And Hextech was because we had just taken Baron, I had a lot of extra gold, and thought why the hell not go for Will of the Ancients? Damage and Spell Vamp seem pretty nice in theory.

Why do you hate me?
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i cannot express how shitty this game was, it felt like i was playing in cardboard 50

the taric went to level one gank mid which ended up with someone giving first blood, he came bot to get hooked under tower and die, and then became a support for our top laner, meaning i was alone all game. after being about 20 kills down the enemy team threw so hard you couldn't help but cringe


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Dick move on the GA, dick move

Yeah. Got it because it gave mixed defense, and ironically the passive was never used. The few times I did die required nearly their entire team. I was 4-0 against Nasus when our bot took the turret. Hecarim tried to gank me, but failed. Too much man to handle.

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Yeah. Got it because it gave mixed defense, and ironically the passive was never used. The few times I did die required nearly their entire team. I was 4-0 against Nasus when our bot took the turret. Hecarim tried to gank me, but failed. Too much man to handle.

5.19 is going to make you sad. That's probably when all the juggernauts will be nerfed really hard. As well as Fiora

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