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I can see why people don't like Udyr. My friend and I carried that game so hard. At the end they took Baron after they aced us. We show up after a respawn and I just walked in and decimated them. It was beautiful. It also helpsmy liing of Udyr that Udyr crushes Yasuo, who I hate. :D

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Cause everytime you invite me is when I'm writing lolololol. You always catch me at the worst times. It's bad luck really.

Also, add another S to the Aurelion Pile. ((also... Batl had a bug where he switched to Smite but the game was just like... "No" and it didn't switch for him. [i saw him select it in Champ Select]))



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  On 4/3/2016 at 12:17 AM, Hukuna Fulmine said:

Cause everytime you invite me is when I'm writing lolololol. You always catch me at the worst times. It's bad luck really.

Also, add another S to the Aurelion Pile. ((also... Batl had a bug where he switched to Smite but the game was just like... "No" and it didn't switch for him. [i saw him select it in Champ Select]))



Rito pls
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Yes Skarner, Jinx is quite easy to kill. Or at least, any normal Jinx. Any Jinx who's put enough experience into her and can easily position safely away from dangerous skill shots in lane and knows how to reactively place her traps down and knows correct times as to when to use zap as self-peel, is not. And, if Jinx is so easy to kill, why could you never catch me when you breached the backline huh? Cause last I checked my entire frontline was going berserk and only one QSS was necessary to fuck you over buddy boy.


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  On 4/3/2016 at 3:58 AM, Tacos said:

Yes Skarner, Jinx is quite easy to kill. Or at least, any normal Jinx. Any Jinx who's put enough experience into her and can easily position safely away from dangerous skill shots in lane and knows how to reactively place her traps down and knows correct times as to when to use zap as self-peel, is not. And, if Jinx is so easy to kill, why could you never catch me when you breached the backline huh? Cause last I checked my entire frontline was going berserk and only one QSS was necessary to fuck you over buddy boy.

Same feel anytime someone tells me Jhin is terrible ((okay that only happened once... by a Lee Sin you then afk'ed on our own team... and had he not left... I'd have carried the game.)) or that he's easy to kill cause he's immobile. Because oh yes... I am, if I have 0 clue what I'm doing, but between using traps to cover your rear and get a free snare proc without having to AA ((although you still can AA.)) and the speed you gain from Crits you can really kite pretty effectively on Jhin if you play your cards right. Honestly it's one reason I've been thinking I should probably stop being a butt and play some Jinx. I don't really care for her personality wise, but her kit is in some ways similar to Jhin's. ((in some ways... they aren't close but they have a lot of tones that hit similar ideas.)) who is probably one of my fav champions right now.

Also, good job Tacos. The Skarner probably deserved that shiiiiiiiit. XD. Also, that's a really nice looking comp.

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Was a bit of a rough game. Vlad died a lot to Trynd, and TF was dcing several times during laning phase (actually barely saved him from getting killed somehow).

Not sure if I want to main Kindred or Jhin now, or just stick to maining Ezreal, though I haven't played him much lately.

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Most of them aren't really that bad... XD. But, just cause you want it, I'll add one that is a really bad score from you. Cause I can... Wasn't my greatest game of Sol as I didn't become the one dragon facemelting machine I usually do buuuut I still did rather well. Got an A+ so... almost an S XD.


For reference... Edge is the Rammus. ((honestly though his score does not reflect his performance, he did very well for us and really did his job creating space for me to Star Dargon it up.)) It wasn't a game where one member of our team expressly carried, Also... can i jsut say that Flash kills with your W enhanced passive are so fucking fun on Sol? Like... it's wonderful. I got a double kill with it. and the quite brilliant response of "Stars are best viewed from a distance."

I'm starting to think Sol is a Sass dragon... and only a star dragon as a hobby.

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That's just how you play top, bait them into thinkin' they good... then destroy their soooooul. Maybe that's jsut me. My teamfight is jsut better than my laning so... I tend to do well outside of laning phase more so than in it. ((Which you won't believe me after seeing me mutilate all my lane opponents as Sol so much recenltly, but... honest~))

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  On 4/10/2016 at 1:00 AM, Felix the Cat said:


"Oh, support is going Lux. OK, I'm playing an ADC with utility. Take the kills, don't take my farm." This is exactly what I told Lux to do, and why I like Ms. Fortune with high damage supports.

Miss Fortune is a utility ADC? Only utility she really brings is her damage.

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Also... your mastery ranks is not based on your allies performance really. ((other than you'd have to assist them get kills etc...)) I'm honestly surprised you didn't manage to get an S there. Though it was probably game length that tanked that.

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typically you're better off just poking with your Q over time. That hits hard and punishes them for hiding behind minions when their alternative is getting hit by morgana/lux/thresh/blitz etc. Plus the angles for hitting the enemy behind the minions is actually kind of bullshit.

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Yea I don't really play MF so I have no idea. I play stuff like Jhin... a.k.a hyper aggressive as all hell. A Lux would still be niiiiiiiice though since the Bind would really allow you to punish them for stepping up at the wrong place etc... ((as well as other harder CCs.)) which Jhin loves to do.

I will say with my limited knowledge of MF... she's not really a util based ADC. She's... weird though. Her E definitely lays down a nice slow for pokes etc, but it's her only real ability with any utility. It's not like Ashe who has a vision ability and a Initiation Ult, and well... infinite slows. She's got a looooot of util packed in there. I guess MF is... kinda close in that she at least has something, but I feel like it's similar to Jhin in that her E is meant to punish getting out of position to really lay down some smack down on that person, like Jhin's snare is.

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