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I consistently find that I get much higher ratings on high waveclear champs such as Malzahar (my only S since chests came out) and Orianna. CS is an absolutely massive factor for mages and I don't understand why

I mean, it's important, but looking back on my S mage games I'm curious as to why they put so much weight on it. Also CS is not graded by how much you get in a given time frame; I think how it's weighed is the differential of CS between you and the enemy (how much you have over them, measured against the game length).

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I mean, it's important, but looking back on my S mage games I'm curious as to why they put so much weight on it. Also CS is not graded by how much you get in a given time frame; I think how it's weighed is the differential of CS between you and the enemy (how much you have over them, measured against the game length).

looking back, yea you had an almost 70 cs lead on that Lissandra, that's a huge advantage. So, I can see your point
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Thus marks the fourth win in One for all of four games played. Syndra, Lux, Veigar and now Bard.

We got some really good teamfights. They had Baron and 3 dragons. and a fucking ad lulu build like ???

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Yea wow... Machine Gun Lulu is so old school XD> It's probably a bit finicky since they've palyed with the numbers etc since then but I dunno. Either way in one for alls there's usually one or two who build an off-build like that to try and diversify damage at least a little or to make one of them be super tanky etc...

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Yea wow... Machine Gun Lulu is so old school XD> It's probably a bit finicky since they've palyed with the numbers etc since then but I dunno. Either way in one for alls there's usually one or two who build an off-build like that to try and diversify damage at least a little or to make one of them be super tanky etc...

especially in One for All, Attack speed crit Blitzcrank has happened xD

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especially in One for All, Attack speed crit Blitzcrank has happened xD

^^^This. In 1fA going for an AD build when your team is an AP champ can actually be surprisingly strong

The reverse tends to not work out quite as well. Like srsly, IDK why that guy was building AP Yasuo...

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^^^This. In 1fA going for an AD build when your team is an AP champ can actually be surprisingly strong

The reverse tends to not work out quite as well. Like srsly, IDK why that guy was building AP Yasuo...

I vomit. Now for a Lexi specialP3xszIB.png

control alt DELETE

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So, I was destroying TF, but Akali was destroying me


Not that it mattered, they kept clumping up without minions and letting my crows boop them

Also, I'm 100% convinced that this is only an S- because of my CS. Not that it super matters, I already have the chest

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No, after the itemization changes, you don't go Athenes on Ori. You're not a support, and you shouldn't be soaking damage in order to gain a marginal heal when you put shield on your teammates- which, more often than not, you're using to deliver by placing the ball on your initiator.. Morellos gives 60 more AP, the same CDR, and a better passive (restoring 20% max mana on level up on a cheap 900 gold item), for only 650 more gold.

Before MYMU, yes, Athene's 100%. Now, no, not so much. Athene's belongs to champions like Lulu and Karma, who are mid lane picks meant to act as protection mages.

I'm still torn between Morello's and a Tear build, but you definitely do not go Athene's.

Yes this was a loss, but I'm using it to make my point while staying roughly on topic (plus one-combo bot is still the best hero in the game)

If you'd like to try and tell me that Athene's is superior, I'd like to see your argument for it. Riot specifically shifted Athene's to a mage-support style item, and that's not at all what you should be picking Orianna for if you have that type of play in mind.

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Athene's heal is based on the damage you deal, not the damage dealt to you >_>

And I disagree with Athene's supposedly being a support item now. It still has the same basic function as before, as a sustain/CDR item, just with the added benefit of a teeny heal

Morello does give more damage, but I highly disagree with the idea of treating Ori as though the only thing she does is damage. She's still a utility mage like Lux and Morgana, even if she's not 100% support focused like Lulu and Karma

In other news


This is why you don't JG Fiddle, it ruins winrates :c (These are all my Fiddle games ever BTW)

I was 5/0 that game, but the enemy team had a fed GP, fed Shyvana, nd fed Xerath despite me showing consistent presence in every lane :c

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She zones, she peels, she bursts. Yes, she has utility, but the vast majority of the time you're using your E to get a safer initiation without getting into Q range.

Yes, I misunderstood the Athene's passive, but I still don't believe it's worth it. You get 20% of your maximum mana back for every kill or assist, you get 60 more AP, and you get Grevious Wounds for only 650 more gold. The only thing you lose out on is a heal when you shield someone, and possible health regeneration.

I know my Orianna. I've been playing her for almost two years now, and I've played her more than any other champion. If you're picking Orianna with the intention of primarily being a supportive mage, then you're picking the wrong champion and should go for Lulu or Karma instead.

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This would be an S if Yas hadn't kept blocking my CS crows (although since he did, he let me hit him with my murder Yas crows)

One of my favorite things about Middlesticks: Yasuo can't do shit to you

I tilted this guy so hard, and then he tilted his team. It was glorious

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This would be an S if Yas hadn't kept blocking my CS crows (although since he did, he let me hit him with my murder Yas crows)

One of my favorite things about Middlesticks: Yasuo can't do shit to you

I tilted this guy so hard, and then he tilted his team. It was glorious

Rageblade Vayne.... interesting
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