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Look, just because you don't like it on Ori doesn't mean I don't. I personally dislike the new Morelleonomicon, and for the matchup Athenes mr was beneficial. I built what I felt was comfortable.

I think that if the champion does not take advantage of the passive then you should not buy it but if the champ does then it is preference. I personally would of went abyssal and then morello or a roa.

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Forgive me if I don't trust your building advice when you suggest RoA on Ori >_>

I never tried is and have not played ori in a while but, I do not see a problem with buying Roa on ori. It gives her almost the same stats as morello besides cdr and gives her extra health. If you have tried it and it does not work then ignore what I said about ROA.

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I confess I haven't tried it

A RoA build can work out in very niche situations (IIRC it happened once or twice in last year's LCS), but most of the time you want to build damage/utility not damage/tank

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Rod was a common build (on most mages, honestly; even champs like twisted fate or ahri built it from time to time) at the beginning of spring 2016 due to how insanely gold efficient it was, alongside being one of only two 120 AP items (once it stacked)

the changes are good and it's kind of workable in a roa-seraph's build but it doesn't feel... impactful. it feels like too much of a diversion from your regular build path now, even with the lowered cost

compared to morello-abyssal it just doesn't feel like it does as much early, and the late game power of having a literal fuckton of mana to scale seraph's with just doesn't feel worth it, and the new passive kinda feels really weird on her too

it's ok nothing compares to that frost queen's shit at the beginning of the preseason

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RoA is basically good if you want raw stats and trading ability so it's more a playstyle thing now... like I kinda liek that the time was given more of a niche then "Big Stat stick" and it's more of a trading item due to the how the passive functions. It's probably since most of the mages I paly love it even more now... so maybe I'm jsut biased as hell. XD

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I'm going to applaud Ryan for moving the Rod conversation over to the General Chat, as it should be. I recommend you follow his lead as the screenshot thread is not for that, and has been derailed at this point. A few passing comments about the games can be made, but try your best not to make it a topic of discussion in this thread.

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If you beatSusan in kills but he still manages to outfarm you (he was up by about 5-10 CS in lane), does it still count as winning lane?

Does it even matter when your damage graph looks like this?


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ah. A true artist

How is Ghostblade on Jhin? It's never personally seemed worth to me so I've never gotten it. Just it seems better get something that gets your crit to 100% quicker than it does to have something that only does it on active. ((though it's probably better right away then trying to get max crit I suppose.))

Like I tend to go IE, into Zeal Item ((I prefer Shiv in most cases since the waveclear and the proc can crit which ups your damage even more. RFC is good in games where you need to be able to fish for a proc for your W for sure though and makes you more self reliant in that regard.)), and then I get Essence Reaver. I tend to get it for the damage and becuase at that point nearly every AA crits giving me mana back and basically... I jsut have infinite at that point. I do soemtimes get BF first though if I need the surviviblity.

Just thought I'd ask since I've never picked up Ghostblade. ((I have a weird dislike of the item... so I tend to ask why people use it to better understand why it's good etc... since it never feel quuuuite worth to me. I can take this to General if it gets too long but I'm jsut looking for like... a short sweet answer XD.))

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How is Ghostblade on Jhin? It's never personally seemed worth to me so I've never gotten it. Just it seems better get something that gets your crit to 100% quicker than it does to have something that only does it on active. ((though it's probably better right away then trying to get max crit I suppose.))

Like I tend to go IE, into Zeal Item ((I prefer Shiv in most cases since the waveclear and the proc can crit which ups your damage even more. RFC is good in games where you need to be able to fish for a proc for your W for sure though and makes you more self reliant in that regard.)), and then I get Essence Reaver. I tend to get it for the damage and becuase at that point nearly every AA crits giving me mana back and basically... I jsut have infinite at that point. I do soemtimes get BF first though if I need the surviviblity.

Just thought I'd ask since I've never picked up Ghostblade. ((I have a weird dislike of the item... so I tend to ask why people use it to better understand why it's good etc... since it never feel quuuuite worth to me. I can take this to General if it gets too long but I'm jsut looking for like... a short sweet answer XD.))

Ghostblade is not consistent and is inferior over other options in general. Sure, it can give you some extra speed and the multiplier alludes to about....I guess 30-40 extra AD with the active, but unless you're in a desperate need of CDR (in which you don't need all that much on Jhin, and even if you do TriForce is just better even if it's expensive) you have much better options from Bloodthrister to Dominiks to an anti-CC item to even Sterak's Gage, really.

Edited by YagamiNoir4896
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How is Ghostblade on Jhin? It's never personally seemed worth to me so I've never gotten it. Just it seems better get something that gets your crit to 100% quicker than it does to have something that only does it on active. ((though it's probably better right away then trying to get max crit I suppose.))

Ghostblade gives a ton of flat pen, in other words, your abilities will do a lot more damage with it. And CDR to help you use those abilities more. You mostly buy it for the insanely good stats, the active is just a nice bonus of movespeed and (for Jhin) straight up damage

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Ghostblade is a great item on Jhin...if you're snowballing. Popping it for your ultimate in the mid-game can make your ult do stupid amounts of damage

Otherwise there are better things for him to buy.

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How to beat Darius as Naut, feat farming all day

Basically, I sat there and farmed whilst Skarner focused on helping bot. And then we started grouping and won. Who needs to play a carry top when you can just play a tank and make Darius hate his life? (Context: Lucian and Vel were both hoping for a carry top, although they didn't say so until we got into game >_>)

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With that team a Carry top would have probably been overreaching. You've got more than enough damage so having a an Inatiator Tank like Naut was MUUUUUUCH better imo. Also, most tanks give Dari trouble if you know what you're, heck a lot of things give Dari trouble. It's mostly jsut don't get hit by his Q and you goooood. ((I've fight Dari all the time and don't really consdier him a hard match-up... even when I'm playing AuSol top... then again I'm not really your avergae AuSol so... maybe that's jsut me but juking his hook is really easy.

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Got tired of excessive Nautilus, so I decided to return to my old buddy Maokai. It went way too well


Then played some midlane assassin J4. Gave up first blood, but then proceeded to carry like a boss (75% kill participation B) ). Was 10/2 at one point, but then I started having too much fun and doing stupid shit like going for kills 1v4 or diving Sona. Should have stopped sooner, might have gotten an S (I have no blue essence for my M6 Naut :c)

Two more wins for Bronze II. Onward and upward :D

EDIT: Oh, and damage stats for the curious:


Jarvan IV

EDIT2: LMAO, I just noticed that I was running my AP runes in the Jarvan game, whoops XD

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Got tired of excessive Nautilus, so I decided to return to my old buddy Maokai. It went way too well


Then played some midlane assassin J4. Gave up first blood, but then proceeded to carry like a boss. Was 10/2 at one point, but then I started having too much fun and going in for kills 1v4 or diving Sona. Should have stopped sooner, might have gotten an S (I have no blue essence for my M6 Naut :c)

Two more wins for Bronze II. Onward and upward :D

I give you congrats. J4 mid is off meta, but is super fun. You are now Reborn's friendly neighborhood Keane, now when are you going to play Graves mid?

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