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Highlight of the game: Elise/Zed/Jarvan blowing their entire kit on Olaf while Kog destroys them all

Riot pls, what is this matchmaking




I should also add how perfectly this sums up almost all my Ezreal games, I gotta stay away from this guy

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The answer is by having teammates who refuse to help you defend the naked middle inhibitor from minions

I was lopping off about half of everyone's health with my opening ults (except Xin) and ripping their team apart while mine did.... nothing. It was a damned shame because I played really well :(

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went 4/1 in lane against cait and leona and everytime thresh landed a perfect hook for a teamfight sej wasn't paying attention and ahri and rengar don't know how to not get caught and ward there lanes and i guess i had to 1v3 cait lux and vi because you don't obviously peel for the fed vayne so this is just starting to make me angry after winning like 11 games with only 3 losesn7zu.png

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A feel-good story about this one...

When we were pushed to our inhib turrets, I got the idea about solo backdooring their inhibitor, which had been exposed to hardcore splitpushing, as the other team went for one more dragon. Despite my warnings (and several pings) not to, Master Yi followed me, but rather than at dragon, we ran into their entire team at baron, catching us in a 2v5 with them already having baron. Looked like we were totally fucked.

However, as soon as Fizz dove for Yi, Sona pinged that she was on the way, but there was no running, really - so we wen deep. Yi Alphas out of Fizz's ult, gets a few lucky crits and kills Fizz, but he's about to get killed by Lee Sin who's swinging from ward to monster in our jungle like fucking Tarzan to catch him while I'm getting gangbanged by the others. Sona arrives JUST in time to Crescendo Garen/Draven/Lee Sin, allowing Yi to heal a bit, turn around go HAM on Draven while I went for Lee Sin...and when it was over, Master Yi got a penta kill and walked out with ~50 HP! That allowed us to not only backdoor the inhib but take a nexus turret as well. One more push, and it was over.

Moral of the story: Don't underestimate your teammates.


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[4:20:30 PM] Michael McGlynn: ........
[4:20:53 PM] Michael McGlynn: it's... the thought that... counts... i... guess...
thank you to dana and luka who at least accidentally gave me skins for champions i like
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