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Jungle Quinn is fun AF. I was 16/7 at ~15 minutes. Urgot was a whiny asshole who refused to build tank until he finished all his damage items and Nunu, while a really fun pick, didn't perform very well as Support, and I kinda failed miserably at teamfighting

Still, it was a super fun back and forth game where either side could have won and I'm P sure everyone but Urgot enjoyed it

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Panda Annie mid versus Sweetheart Annie top

She was actually a sweetheart in all chat, though she broke Aatrox's heart.


You know those games where you should have won judging from the dragon and baron count, but you just didn't? The games that go on for 50 minutes because for some reason your team can't pull it together? This is one of them.


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Sivir started feeding (intentionally I mean, she was already 1/6 beforehand) because she kept getting caught out and dying, which was obviously the fault of the at the time 4/1 support Annie and whatever Shaco was at right then and not her own for always ulting after the full health Draven while at half and expecting my stun, which I just used to let her get away from Blitz, to save her >_>

Anyways, I did awesome and had fun, even if Sivir was kind of an ass

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Sivir started feeding (intentionally I mean, she was already 1/6 beforehand) because she kept getting caught out and dying, which was obviously the fault of the at the time 4/1 support Annie and whatever Shaco was at right then and not her own for always ulting after the full health Draven while at half and expecting my stun, which I just used to let her get away from Blitz, to save her >_>

Anyways, I did awesome and had fun, even if Sivir was kind of an ass

>10 deaths in 40 minutes

>"intentionally feeding"

I am not impressed.

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Lol. See, I would have just called it a bad game... Except she actually said she was doing it on purpose. Their Rengar was terribad anyways, so it worked out

You should have seen the double-JG game I had earlier. Tried to go JG Quinn and got freaked out at because "Quinn is not a jungler" - Our asshole Jax. And yet, we still managed to win pretty easily. I kept our jungle clean of Kha'Zix whilst Jax went around trying to keep me from getting any farm and the other lanes managed to hold while we both ganked all over the place

EDIT: "But come on, obviously that stomping botlane was due to our world class support! :D" - Me


I DC'd for the first thirty seconds. But thanks to our awesome Shyvana sticking around bot while I walked to lane, we managed to completely own anyway (That and I warded perfectly, used my trinket well, and landed all but one of my stuns perfectly. And Trist still managed to die on the one I missed)

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Glad we won this game. Their Varus and Leona were just being toxic to their own team members. They kept blaming others for whenever they died during the laning phase. Also this game kinda made Kayle's ult to be my 4th favorite ult in the game.

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Still alive and kicking, thank you very much.


Teamwork was overall pretty good, despite some not-so-harmful screw ups from us in general. (But dammit Caitlyn learn how to farm >:|)

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TFW the enemy team is defending Riven and saying she isn't a feeder because Shyvana was so good

Now if only Shyvana hadn't always fallen for Ziggs's baits (I still managed to keel him tho)

Pantheon and Shyvana did very well, they walked around the map getting kills, and even managed to get an ace in a 2v5 (mostly thanks to our team weakening them a bit first and blowing some ults <3) before taking down Baron Nashor. This led to the final push which won the game. All the while the enemy Warwick was telling both teams to report Riven for feeding the dragon


We won

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Shaco is beautiful.

Though granted I've never tried the Doran's Ring start into an AD build on a lane Shaco before. Is it more for the mana or the AP?

Both. With an awful mana pool and 1:1 AP scaling on all his offensive abilities there's no reason not to start out with it.

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Today I learned that when Ziggs and Wukong stack their ults it's pretty much an instantly won teamfight.


Hank es numero uno

EDIT: When you get so fed that you literally one-shot someone


Kalista died instantly around 30 minutes in just from me pressing R.

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