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still got the touch bb

And while I do not agree on Cinderhulk AND Sunfire Cape after another, and his terrible attitude, Voli DID do something. Ks'd a few but who cares, he earned half of those.

Edit: This win isn't really impressive. Gooby, Mortis, and Code were Bronve V, and everyone else were lv 30 or below. This is just to say I will still play this game. Ranked however...Only when work is alleviated.

Edited by The Radiant Aeon
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veigar requires skill now so i gotta practice him before i can dunk scrubs again

Have you tried Annie? She's always been similar to Veigar, but now just outclasses him entirely by being a lot safer and actually having 2 ondemand AOE stuns. Having flash and tibbers up will almost always win a teamfight if you can land it on multiple people, and if one is a squishy chances are you'll instakill them as well. The only thing Veigar has going for him now is better stacking but as I talked about in the LoL discussion chat before, that requires an extremely passive playstyle which doesn't work in midlane.

And while I do not agree on Cinderhulk AND Sunfire Cape after another, and his terrible attitude, Voli DID do something. Ks'd a few but who cares, he earned half of those.

He had the highest kill participation, this shows he actually did the most work :^)

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Apparently, playing with those gold and platinum players had a side effect when i got back to playing with level 30- people.


Gotta love those games where everyone is so chill and sportsman-like that even if you're bringing down the wrath of god upon them we will still manage to be uber friendly with eachother <3

Warwick was stalking me so hard he might as well my crazy jealous girlfriend in disguise.

Also, Twin Shadows is really underrated, it saved me from dying so many times and we won a teamfight because of it.

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Have you tried Annie? She's always been similar to Veigar, but now just outclasses him entirely by being a lot safer and actually having 2 ondemand AOE stuns. Having flash and tibbers up will almost always win a teamfight if you can land it on multiple people, and if one is a squishy chances are you'll instakill them as well. The only thing Veigar has going for him now is better stacking but as I talked about in the LoL discussion chat before, that requires an extremely passive playstyle which doesn't work in midlane.

i'm afraid i'm always drawn to infinitely scaling damage i'm sorry

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So I picked up Malphite jungle after watching TheOddOne, and I have to say it's really fun playing jungle with such a tanky champion. This was my fourth game in total with him, and probably my most successful one.

Also I hate Bard so much.

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Silver didn't want to post this so soon after a different game so since I had the tab open after going to sleep, here


that was supposed to be chill non-serious game
and it ended up more intense than the games before it"
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So umm, this happened. Featuring a top fizz who got under tower a bit too much, a mid draven, and an ap darius who got way more fed than he should have. Also the nasus that would't die.

You literally just sat there toplane and did the Nasus thing. It was great

Of course Trist was kind of a bitch to me for not picking a "real support." We stopped losing lane once I stopped playing to keep her alive and played to destroy the world (It helped that the fed AF Darius built AP)

As for Darius getting fed in the first place, Morg is already bad lane for Annie, and I had no way to deal with the Darius too (he's P much the same as an AD Darius at early levels) Honestly we woulda lost if he'd built AD...

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