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People that say pick a real support when someone goes Annie makes me want to gouge my eyes out and pour gasoline down my eye sockets. Too graphic?

Annie as a support is great. Building her like crap, not so much. Seeing a "support" annie with a full AP build makes me wanna commit sudoku.

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Really is that why i suck at Annie support? I knew i was doing something wrong

I mean, if you just build her ap, she provides no utility for the team aside from her stun. If you take a page out of lustboy's book, building items such as captain/alacrity mobi boots, righteous glory, and talisman of ascension, she has incredible engage potential, and with a sightstone, she can ward effectively.

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i personally go Sightstone/Talisman/Mikael's/Rylai's/Righteous Glory/Frozen Heart, Rylai's only for the slow so we have even MORE sticking power.

(Let's switch this over to Lol General after this. More screenshot, less talky.)

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he's pointing out that that's pretty much exactly what you did

pure AP with the exception of Sightstone/Talisman isn't how annie support works

...That wasn't a pure AP build at all

I generally build Sightstone/Mobility Boots/Mikeal's/Twin Shadows/Talisman with a Locket, Rylai's, or Abyssal Scepter depending on the situation

In this case I built a Zhonya's because I kept dying when I initiated with Tibbarz, and I didn't want all the fights to turn into 5 vs. 4s. I also got Twin Shadows over Mikeal's first because... Actually I forget why so that was probably a bad choice. I also focused on mobility fairly early because my lane was going terribly and I was hoping I could be of more use roaming

IIRC I went: Sightstone>Boots>Talisman>Twins Shadows>Zhonya's. Was gonna finish out with Mikeal's

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The Lux that couldn't hit her ult feat. the Warwick that didn't know what buff were. We should not have won this game. I sucked, our red and blue were like always up, and Pantheon fed Yorick so hard, lol

EDIT: Oh, FYI, this was a terrible game. It was also really hilarious for me

EDIT2: So since so far none of the supports I play have fared well against Blitz, I decided to try Orianna
I had a terrible skill order (started E for some reason O_o and then turned around and maxed Q... I think maxing E first would have been better) And I went Fang instead of Coin (how hard it was for me to buy even a Sightstone made me decide to swap the two next time. FQQ just made more sense than Talisman for Ori to me)

But I think mine and Sivir's scores speak for themselves

Corki DC'd after laning, which is unfortunate because he actually wasn't doing that bad

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I had a terrible skill order (started E for some reason O_o and then turned around and maxed Q... I think maxing E first would have been better)

I dunno how it is for support, but I (almost) always start E when playing Ori in the mid lane. The passive defensive bonuses, active shield and bonus damage on her autos allow her to easily win trades against a lot of mids in the first couple levels. (For support, I'd imagine Q start for scouting, pokes n stuff.)

EDIT: I feel a Yasuo binge coming on...


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Ew ADC Quinn

First [PvP] game Maokai:

Udyr camped top and kept taking my CS (also fed Vlad a pair of kills, I only gave one in lane)

But he was also just generally rude (not quite toxic, just rude). He continually told told us to, "not focus the tank." Which was good, except he wanted us to focus Vlad >_> To which I responded, "If we focus Vlad he will tank us and Sanguine pool us while his team kills us." He agreed to focus Graves instead, thank goodness (Graves was starting to come back because of won teamfights)

Was a really fun lane tho, despite Udyr camping constantly. Ahri and Jinx and Veigar were all great, though Ahri was more than a bit pissed at Udyr. Teamfighting was good too, I would R>W>E>Q and then sit there spamming spells and trying to keep as many foes as possible in my ult

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"not focus the tank."

Haha, that's funny.

If the tank's in your face, guess what? Focus the tank.

If you have a clear and safe chance to focus a squishy, then do that, but by all means, if it's safer or necessary to focus the tank, do it.

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