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Haha, that's funny.

If the tank's in your face, guess what? Focus the tank.

If you have a clear and safe chance to focus a squishy, then do that, but by all means, if it's safer or necessary to focus the tank, do it.

Well, he was right, we needed to stop focusing Braum, especially since Nidalee had such bad positioning (I W'd to her nearly every fight) But choosing instead to focus Vlad, that's just no >_>

EDIT: Moar Maokai~


I believe this is what you might call a carry?

But credit where credit is due, I couldn't have done it if Riven hadn't ganked my lane early and set my snowballing (this gank was so influential that the second time she went top, Cho accused her of camping, lol)

Edited by KosherKitten
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Well, he was right, we needed to stop focusing Braum, especially since Nidalee had such bad positioning (I W'd to her nearly every fight) But choosing instead to focus Vlad, that's just no >_>

EDIT: Moar Maokai~


I believe this is what you might call a carry?

But credit where credit is due, I couldn't have done it if Riven hadn't ganked my lane early and set my snowballing (this gank was so influential that the second time she went top, Cho accused her of camping, lol)

Hey, if it works and he kept getting caught, it doesn't matter. Get a lane ahead and pitch a tent, it's annoying but it works

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I had no idea what was happening in most of the teamfights, but we were carrying. Especially Alexus. Ty based Alexus <3

PS: playing against tanks really suck.

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Whee~ Indeed, I did carry P hard. Late game Corki did most of the work, but early on I just kinda went and pwned everything

Fun thing, is that Telos and I lane swapped so I wouldn't have to deal with Mundo... But then Mundo and Diana lane swapped too. I managed to win lane, largely thanks to Mundo and Sej ganking top early. I followed Mundo up and got a double kill on him and Diana. Then came back and stomped on Mundo whenever he tried to all-in me. And then I went and AoE'd through teamfights~


I got us through midgame

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hourglass is p core on any ap mid laner, or morgana/rumble anyways

Debatable. With Luden's becoming a thing, a lot of AP mids can get away with not building Zhonya's if they aren't as reliant on the active stasis as part of their fighting. It does give a lot of AP though, and counters the most popular mid in the game right now, Zed.

The only AP mids that regularly use Zhonya's as part of their teamfight strat are Swain, Karthus and ol' Morgo. (Fiddle and Kennen too, if you want to count them.)

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If you're not getting focused, there's other things you could be spending your 3300 on. AP splash damage, %health burn, Grievous Wounds - it ultimately depends on your team's needs. No doubt that Zhonya's is near a necessity on some champs and in some scenarios, but it isn't necessarily a you-must-build-this-every-game item as long as you have a good understanding of what your champ's limits are against the team in question.

As for this game here, Bork just couldn't come quickly enough for poor Olaf to stop the 5900 HP Sion...


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Debatable. With Luden's becoming a thing, a lot of AP mids can get away with not building Zhonya's if they aren't as reliant on the active stasis as part of their fighting. It does give a lot of AP though, and counters the most popular mid in the game right now, Zed.

The only AP mids that regularly use Zhonya's as part of their teamfight strat are Swain, Karthus and ol' Morgo. (Fiddle and Kennen too, if you want to count them.)

Vlad mid is also a thing~

Also just about any AP Assassin probably wants it

But agreed that it's hardly a required core item

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Man, almost forgot to upload thisYbLTDks.png

Jacze carrying hook magnet Sona (ultimate skin hidden passive)

also infernal doge vs ineffective lissandra


when your midlaner forgets to ss so you get a double kill

Edited by Brockze
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I've been wanting Nautilus Support to become a thing for a while, ever since my Nautilus Main friend played it for me when last pick was set on jungling in a duo queue game. That CC is beyond belief, and I love it.

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I've been wanting Nautilus Support to become a thing for a while, ever since my Nautilus Main friend played it for me when last pick was set on jungling in a duo queue game. That CC is beyond belief, and I love it.

Now that the LCS players have picked up on it Nautilus is going to be a friendly face in solo quere

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