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I dunno, looking at the match in match history Cass was the least of your team's problems.

No one on your team bought any wards at all (not even Volibear)...

Cass also did more damage to champions than you, Rengar, and Volibear combined, and placed almost three times as many wards as you did.

18 deaths or not, ya can't really blame her for doing her part.

But don't make me rant about voli support yo

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I dunno, looking at the match in match history Cass was the least of your team's problems.

No one on your team bought any wards at all (not even Volibear)...

Cass also did more damage to champions than you, Rengar, and Volibear combined, and placed almost three times as many wards as you did.

18 deaths or not, ya can't really blame her for doing her part.

But don't make me rant about voli support yo

Of course she did more damage than me. Do you see my build? Furthermore match history can only tell you so much. What it doesn't show you is a play by play of all her recaps. She would go into enemy jungle while she had vision that she placed and knowingly try to 1v4. She would miss ult or only hit 1 person when there were four in front. She would talk shit to vayne and talk shit whenever she died. She may have done the most damage, she may have placed the most wards but all that is meaningless if you're 1. A shitty teammate 2. never use that to your advantage and play like you're blindfolded. At least voli was a peeling machine and at least rengar would zone out/kill the carries. Cass would die in the enemy jungle which gave the enemy team the ability to snowball by controlling objectives and fights.

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First game Nasus. I sucked (actually, I did P good, this Shy didn't know how to deal with me)

BUT because I was Nasus, Jarvan found it necessary to come top constantly, relieving pressure from other lanes

TBH, only way it could have gone better is if I hadn't died to Jarvan ganks owo (Though the first was because I lagged... My ping was terribad this game, my farm would be about twenty higher if not for that)

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First game Nasus. I sucked (actually, I did P good, this Shy didn't know how to deal with me)

BUT because I was Nasus, Jarvan found it necessary to come top constantly, relieving pressure from other lanes

TBH, only way it could have gone better is if I hadn't died to Jarvan ganks owo (Though the first was because I lagged... My ping was terribad this game, my farm would be about twenty higher if not for that)

im just going to say this now, please never try new champions in ranked

Edited by Anethia
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im just going to say this now, please never try new champions in ranked


Generally, you want to practice and learn a new champ outside of ranked because you probably don't fully understand your matchups, and your mechanics probably won't be the greatest. Not to mention, not only is your ELO and MMR on the line, but also your teammates.

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Shh, I know. Normally I wouldn't, but this was Nasus, and I'm P confident in my farming and meatwalling abilities. Also I picked him into Shyvana, I've played that matchup from the other side a ton. The only way should could have won is if she pushed the lane super-aggressively and kept me under constant harass while I tried to farm (since she can't outtrade me once I get my W) When i said I sucked, I was referring to the fact that I didn't faceroll and carry the game. I held my lane just fine and melted towers like a boss. I also never died in anything less than a 2 vs 1, because I am the queen of running away B)

Though, I shoulda taken Flash>Ghost because Jarvan. That occurred to me right after the loading screen popped up >_<

Edited by KosherKitten
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Nah, Teleport is a staple on Nasus for maximum stack-collecting.

Also, once you get better at Nasus you will WANT the lane to be pushed to your tower. That way you can farm up your stacks and your opponent can't walk into tower range to keep farming themselves, depending on where your jungler is.

When you get even better with the doge you can do funky stuff like freezing the lane, which in many matchups will give you an advantage by allowing you to farm without the enemy being able to really attack you without the threat of a gank. But that's a thing for another time...you're doing juuuust fine now.

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I said take Flash over Ghost, not TP owo

Also, the lane was frozen just outside my tower for quite a large portion of laning. I'm not very good at freezing yet, but since Shy was just last hitting and not pushing, it worked out

As for being under tower. It forces Nasus to focus on the minions so he can't hit back when you harass him. If you do it right, you can take quite a bit of his health when he goes for your casters

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As for being under tower. It forces Nasus to focus on the minions so he can't hit back when you harass him. If you do it right, you can take quite a bit of his health when he goes for your casters

it ultimately depends on the matchup. If you're up against a matchup like Nunu or Gangplank or something, who will just poke you all day, then yeah it can become a problem until level 7-ish (when Nasus's passive upgrades to 15% life steal). As for Shyvana it really isn't a problem as Flame Breath is a skillshot and doesn't do an impressive amount on its own.
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Hey guys. I just carried as support Ori. Am I good yet? owo

Okay, so it kinda helped that Teemo was a total troll. And I know my KDR isn't the most beautiful thing ever, but let's just say I could have 2 deaths if you put all my teammates' death counts one death higher. I'd say two higher, except they kept going back in even after I saved them *Grumbles at the greedy-ass Xin*

EDIT: Oh, and Malz wasn't near as good as he looks. He kept coming after teamfights and getting double/triples with his E before dying/backing with a tiny bit of health. Honestly, our whole team needed to learn how to group >_>

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Been watching Trick2g, decided to open the gates. Eve ragequit, which made my life easier.

Eve wasn't respecting the cane, I see.

Where's the trick2g nasus skin yo


Anyway, we really shouldn't have won this game. I got beat up pretty good early, and so did our bot lane, which led to a dragon/baron disadvantage, not to mention we thought we were going to be outscaled...but then 35 minutes hit and suddenly our team went god mode and boned them. I even 1v1'd Jax with full build on both sides.

Guinsoo's OP

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