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There's a time and place for every jungle enchantment. Nunu's probably the lone jungler that could run Poacher's (maybe Shyvana or Rek'Sai) in certain situations. And I dunno, Poacher's in this case looks like it did just fine to me

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nunu can run poacher's easily given that he's got huge counterjungling presence w/ consume/smite provided your name isn't stvicious

now, if this was some poacher's knife, like... idk, jarvan? that'd be pretty weird.

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Capped a surprisingly good game with a nifty end-game triple kill to seal the deal when the backpack got too heavy for Kio to keep carrying.

I love playing this dude and I dunno why I ever stopped.



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I tried guys, I swear I tried

I was 0 deaths until 34 minutes. IIRC I was 1/0/8 or so. I was doing, so well. So. Well. ;n; /crai

EDIT: Oh, and I only place one less ward than their support owo (which was ten more than ours, but Raka was a goddess so I'm not complaining about her warding)

Edited by KosherKitten
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I'm no jungle main, and when I do rarely jungle, it's not with Maokai, but just a few tips.

It seemed like your biggest issue that game was with Annie being fed to oblivion. From what I see, Jinx was by far the least of your worries. However, you built Frozen Heart and Iceborn Gauntlet, two items that give you armor without any health. While the armor is understandable because of Udyr, it was a bit overdone. You needed more magic resist for Annie, and also more health to synergize with the bonus health from cinderhulk. You didn't need any extra damage from Iceborn considering you had 3 sources of damage: Graves, Tryndamere, and Heimerdinger. Also, I would guess that the Udyr was focusing more on phoenix stance than tiger, so he still deals some nice magic damage. You probably could have made use of a Righteous Glory and Locket than Sightstone and Iceborn. Also, considering that team had quite a few stuns, you probably should have opted more for merc treads than mobi boots.

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I would've gone locket and righteous glory over spirit visage and iceborne, tbh. Sure, the extra effectiveness of your heal is cool, but locket provides all of the same stats plus an AOE shield that can soften the blow of their engage.

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I built Frozen Heart immediately after Cinderhulk, we were still laning and I was running into Udyr and Voli a lot more than Annie, also armor is better for the jungle than MR. And the Gauntlet probably was kinda dumb. I did need the damage since Donger wasn't doing like any, but I should have at least built Abyssal. The match was essentially lost at that point anyways

And I was gonna replace the Sightstone, but it's a lot more gold efficient than buying thirty wards (IIRC, Sightstone becomes more gold efficient at ~20 wards placed) So I grabbed it early

I also built the mobi boots when we were still winning (And by the point I would have changed, we were losing so I didn't have the extra gold) and I kept having to run between top and bot

Basically, you're not wrong, but at the times I made my purchases (except Gauntlet, that one was dumb) they were good choices

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Of all the ways my losing streak could end, it had to be this way


Ahri, was just great. She landed so many perfect Charms. We went overall even in lane (she had a bit more CS but we went back and forth kill-wise) But then midgame hit, and while I tried to Flash>Tibbarz while my ult was down, she landed Charms left, right, and past Cho. Singed was also being a baws (it helped that our team had very little warding to let the two of them roam around, I didn't even upgrade my trinket until 12)

Then my ping decided to die and things just went downhill from there. Honestly, we deserved to lose (as highlighted by me getting Charmed and insta-burst twice within sixty seconds of each other, I didn't even have time to Zhonya's) But then, Singed AFK'd and we had a really good teamfight around Baron (they had that and five drags, but we still killed all four of them) Allowing us to come back and win

TL;DR That Ahri deserved to win

P.S. Note the "support" Nasus

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Probably, she was still super nice and on point with her charms

In other news, Ori+Quinn is still really good


My team had three inhibs down, and still managed to ace the enemy team twice. But then the enemy team went and got their fifth dragon, so we lost

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