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Why do I not play Rumble?
Look at this poor Fiora. I got first blood off her, she TP'd back to lane, and I got another kill. TBH tho, she was bad. I ulted her once while she was under tower and couldn't follow up... And she just walked straight down the line to try to get away

Both games I did well. But this game, this game I carried. I gave first blood to Riven, TP'd back to lane, and then gave her another kill. Nocturne ganked twice, resulting in two kills for me and two for Riven ("Wow Riven is fed" - Nocturne after his second death) Then I ran mid and got a triple kill with my ulti and then just sat around splitpushing and waiting for them to try to 2v1 me (Because yummy double kills) while the rest of the team took objectives. It got me dead a couple times, but it also worked to draw attention away. Also, that's why I have no assists, despite being Rumble, I didn't show up for like any teamfights :P

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Why do I not play Rumble?


Look at this poor Fiora. I got first blood off her, she TP'd back to lane, and I got another kill. TBH tho, she was bad. I ulted her once while she was under tower and couldn't follow up... And she just walked straight down the line to try to get away


Both games I did well. But this game, this game I carried. I gave first blood to Riven, TP'd back to lane, and then gave her another kill. Nocturne ganked twice, resulting in two kills for me and two for Riven ("Wow Riven is fed" - Nocturne after his second death) Then I ran mid and got a triple kill with my ulti and then just sat around splitpushing and waiting for them to try to 2v1 me (Because yummy double kills) while the rest of the team took objectives. It got me dead a couple times, but it also worked to draw attention away. Also, that's why I have no assists, despite being Rumble, I didn't show up for like any teamfights :P

I feel bad for those Bot lanes. I was on point

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I dont main adc but i reked people this game

oh and here is a game from a while back on my main, ZED


Edited by foovy10
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not a game screenshot, but i love having more RP than IP

"Hey guys look, I have more money than you!"


On a more serious note, giving bot lane Jayce a roll and liking the results. My team sans Viktor was a heavy backpack, but we all started pitching in by buying some extra wards that allowed us to make some picks and baits. The other team never really clued in that we were just looking for the picks until we started knocking on the gates to their base. Then Viktor and I were able to put aside our differences regarding the Glorious Evolution and go full carry mode ripping right through them all.

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"Hey guys look, I have more money than you!"


On a more serious note, giving bot lane Jayce a roll and liking the results. My team sans Viktor was a heavy backpack, but we all started pitching in by buying some extra wards that allowed us to make some picks and baits. The other team never really clued in that we were just looking for the picks until we started knocking on the gates to their base. Then Viktor and I were able to put aside our differences regarding the Glorious Evolution and go full carry mode ripping right through them all.

Did you use Full Metal Jayce? (You know hard hitting questions)
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This Jayce. He was awesome. Carried like a pro

I actually won lane (went even in kills, but way outfarmed Veigar), but then foolishly got caught out way too many times for my own good (though at least once I was giving my life so Lucian could keep splitpushing) My ultis were P good tho. And did I mention Jayce was a total pro?

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I've been upset with myself for a while, so it was nice to have a little rampage with my favorite champion. Kind of ashamed I didn't buy more wards, but honestly we didn't need them since I cut through everyone on their team like butter. This was a great stress reliever though.

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