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I'm loving Runeglaive. Has made one of my absolute favourite Champs shoot up in viability.


I do really like Runeglaive on Elise. I always hated the fact that Cinderhulk Elise was only really useful for her stun, but now she can actually follow it up with reasonable damage and I appreciate it a lot.

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I do really like Runeglaive on Elise. I always hated the fact that Cinderhulk Elise was only really useful for her stun, but now she can actually follow it up with reasonable damage and I appreciate it a lot.

Hooray I can play damage tank elise :D

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Never forget your sightstone as a support.

Btw Voidlings are OP


I love matches when everybody does their part the best they can to overcome Nidalee adverse odds, the teamwork was great and i've pulled out triple kills like bunnies out of a hat.

Edited by Telos
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On this episode of "Don't Touch My Fucking Vayne."

It always feels satisfying setting up a penta for an ADC, because I know those are so few and far between for me. Granted, she wouldn't have gotten it if Jayce didn't have Guardian Angel. I killed him while he was running back to fountain and fortunately, he was stuck there until Vayne caught up. Teamfights were really fun. I acted as peel for Vayne by staying with her and charming Renekton when he came at her while she condemned the assaulting Udyr. Once we cleaned up those two, it only took a charge of ult or two to jump to their backline and lock them down.


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So if toplane Sejuani is a thing, it isn't a thing against NAR

Went 1/6/0 in lane, then got several assists (4?) and a kill before dying again. Then got all the rest of my kills and assists before dying one last time and the enemy team finished

I'm not even going to try to list out my mistakes, as they were plentiful. Biggest one was constantly diving NAR and getting him to one AA away from being ded (That happened three times >_>)

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So if toplane Sejuani is a thing, it isn't a thing against NAR

Went 1/6/0 in lane, then got several assists (4?) and a kill before dying again. Then got all the rest of my kills and assists before dying one last time and the enemy team finished

I'm not even going to try to list out my mistakes, as they were plentiful. Biggest one was constantly diving NAR and getting him to one AA away from being ded (That happened three times >_>)

Percent health damage that mini Gnar does just massacres you

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Toplane Sejuani can be a thing, but she is definitely a farm-to-late-game champ where her tankiness and CC turn teamfights.

She can take towers down somewhat quicker than other tanks thanks to Flail's autoattack reset, and Teleport has amazing synergy with her initiations via her ult. But she does very little in lane unless she gets rolling (encourage lots of ganks because Sejuani is a great champ to gank for in the top lane).

If you want a good opponent to practice top Sejuani against I'd say give her a go against Renekton or Yasuo

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Farm to late definitely. Lots of ganks would have been nice if our JG was actually any good at ganking (he's newer at the game than me I think, so just inexperienced, though IDK for certain, and he didn't wait for me to set him up before Qing in)

I wasn't really playing her to be any kind of force in lane, she's a late game tank with strong waveclear so I just kinda tried to farm and bait NAR into tower dives (which he always seemed to get out of with a tiny bit of health even when I flailed him >_<)

Also, worth noting that this was TB, not Draft, so I didn't actually get to pick my opponent (Sej is almost always banned in draft tho so...)

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Yeah it was.. Weird. Ironically, our bot lane got rocked over and over until team fight phase. Luckily, I was fed by then.

ADC had ignite, support had heal. My ADC OCD is kicking in very hard right now. Also HOW IN THE SEVEN HELLS DO YOU ONLY MANAGE 51 FARM ON JINX?????? You can literally sit their and afk auto in mini gun and have half that by 10 minutes.... this game tilts me so hard. Edited by xXNasDavXx
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