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Looks like Ikaru needs to learn the ways of the wind. I can help. :)

Not that I'm a Yasuo master such as yourself or anything, but yeah, my computer's a brick and it's basically guaranteed that I won't load in on time for the first game. Usually I do a custom beforehand to get that out of the way but we completely forgot lol. Yasuo's a pretty cool guy though so if you want to hit me up with some of your advanced secrets, I'm listening...

i also told them not to post those games because i played like shit but i guess not listening to ikaru was cool last night

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Not that I'm a Yasuo master such as yourself or anything, but yeah, my computer's a brick and it's basically guaranteed that I won't load in on time for the first game. Usually I do a custom beforehand to get that out of the way but we completely forgot lol. Yasuo's a pretty cool guy though so if you want to hit me up with some of your advanced secrets, I'm listening...

i also told them not to post those games because i played like shit but i guess not listening to ikaru was cool last night

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Not that I'm a Yasuo master such as yourself or anything, but yeah, my computer's a brick and it's basically guaranteed that I won't load in on time for the first game. Usually I do a custom beforehand to get that out of the way but we completely forgot lol. Yasuo's a pretty cool guy though so if you want to hit me up with some of your advanced secrets, I'm listening...

i also told them not to post those games because i played like shit but i guess not listening to ikaru was cool last night


Come to my dojo young Ikaru. We shall spar and I will make you a proper warrior of the wind.

Oh and one of those deaths was an execute. :)

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"Varus you lost your lane, Karma is fed" - 5/1/0 Lee after losing 1v1 to the 0/2/2 Karma


Okay, so, this game was actually pretty bad on my end. I just wanna talk about the lane phase, which I think was boring to most but from a technical PoV was really interesting

For the most part it was an even lane, Karma pushed harder but I kept shoving her out of lane (by level 6 two of my Qs did 90% of her health, lol) But neither of us managed to get any kills or really out-CS the other. Karma did end up being overall more useful than me because I was just generally disoriented during midgame (IDK, I was just out of it for some reason, not the point)

It was mostly a poke-fest with occasional failed attempts to all-in between waves (or sometimes during) I think I would have been more successful if I'd better utilized my W and aimed my Qs better during the poking phase, but the same could be said for Karma (Or wait, is her Shield E?)

IDK, it just felt like an interesting matchup to me, maybe I'm weird

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"Varus you lost your lane, Karma is fed" - 5/1/0 Lee after losing 1v1 to the 0/2/2 Karma


Okay, so, this game was actually pretty bad on my end. I just wanna talk about the lane phase, which I think was boring to most but from a technical PoV was really interesting

For the most part it was an even lane, Karma pushed harder but I kept shoving her out of lane (by level 6 two of my Qs did 90% of her health, lol) But neither of us managed to get any kills or really out-CS the other. Karma did end up being overall more useful than me because I was just generally disoriented during midgame (IDK, I was just out of it for some reason, not the point)

It was mostly a poke-fest with occasional failed attempts to all-in between waves (or sometimes during) I think I would have been more successful if I'd better utilized my W and aimed my Qs better during the poking phase, but the same could be said for Karma (Or wait, is her Shield E?)

IDK, it just felt like an interesting matchup to me, maybe I'm weird

Lol "fed" 0 deaths
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Twitch is underrated

He has a skin where he can roll on the grass in his back animation that op in itself

He has a Sly Cooper skin. That alone makes him godly.

Random thought about an item on him (and possibly Tristana), has anyone experimented with the Triforce? It increases attack speed and damage, both of which are very good for Twitch, some extra ability power and mana, which would be kind of useful for me as I tend to be a little loose with his W and E (which partially scales off AP), and an increase in speed and health, both of which are pretty necessary for this squishy rat. Just a random thought that may not be too useful due to its high cost.

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He has a Sly Cooper skin. That alone makes him godly.

Random thought about an item on him (and possibly Tristana), has anyone experimented with the Triforce? It increases attack speed and damage, both of which are very good for Twitch, some extra ability power and mana, which would be kind of useful for me as I tend to be a little loose with his W and E (which partially scales off AP), and an increase in speed and health, both of which are pretty necessary for this squishy rat. Just a random thought that may not be too useful due to its high cost.

It's in general a weak item on both. The attack speed and crit is extremely outshined by phantom dancer and statikk shiv. The ap isn't really necessary on either, considering their AD scaling will work just fine. You're not going to be casting spells enough for the sheen passive to be really worth it either. The phage passive is useful, but not entirely necessary. You shouldn't be trying to chase things down really. Additionally, the attack damage and health don't make a huge impact anyway. Most AD champs who buy triforce will buy it mostly for the sheen passive (Corki, Kog, Ezreal) because they're constantly using their spells to dish out damage. Tristana and Twitch are more basic attack-based and don't really need it. Plus, every other item they usually build is rather core and necessary and shouldn't be replaced with something that is generally mediocre in comparison.

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It's in general a weak item on both. The attack speed and crit is extremely outshined by phantom dancer and statikk shiv. The ap isn't really necessary on either, considering their AD scaling will work just fine. You're not going to be casting spells enough for the sheen passive to be really worth it either. The phage passive is useful, but not entirely necessary. You shouldn't be trying to chase things down really. Additionally, the attack damage and health don't make a huge impact anyway. Most AD champs who buy triforce will buy it mostly for the sheen passive (Corki, Kog, Ezreal) because they're constantly using their spells to dish out damage. Tristana and Twitch are more basic attack-based and don't really need it. Plus, every other item they usually build is rather core and necessary and shouldn't be replaced with something that is generally mediocre in comparison.

Thanks for the explanation. Was just a random thought since it boosts a lot of stuff, just not boosted enough.

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I mean, I'll admit I did some stupid things that game. In fact, every one of those deaths came from me diving into a 1v4/5 in an attempt to take out Sivir or Lux. I probably should have built tankier too. Instead of Bork, I should have just went for a Thornmail. Would have helped a lot against Sivir, Shyvana, and Yasuo (not like Yasuo was really much of a threat though. I completely dumpstered him).

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