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I mean, I'll admit I did some stupid things that game. In fact, every one of those deaths came from me diving into a 1v4/5 in an attempt to take out Sivir or Lux. I probably should have built tankier too. Instead of Bork, I should have just went for a Thornmail. Would have helped a lot against Sivir, Shyvana, and Yasuo (not like Yasuo was really much of a threat though. I completely dumpstered him).

Nah BotRK and Trinity are like death incarnate on Irelia and you can from that point just build whatever the fuck you want and still be a god. She's a champ that doesn't punish bad play and even Irelia mains recognize this fact. You can go 0-11 in lane, stun the fed AD Carry for 2 whole seconds and suddenly turn the whole game around.

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I did pretty good this game. Died one too many times, but I was tanking quite a bit while ferrying around a tasty Riven. If there was anything I would do differently next game, it'd be stop trying to help the Jinx who would rather try her luck 1v3 than teamfight while she's still miles ahead of Vayne.


I dunno why I never ate those cookies either.

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I did pretty good this game. Died one too many times, but I was tanking quite a bit while ferrying around a tasty Riven. If there was anything I would do differently next game, it'd be stop trying to help the Jinx who would rather try her luck 1v3 than teamfight while she's still miles ahead of Vayne.


I dunno why I never ate those cookies either.

Yeah idk why u didnt eat cookies

COOKIES ARE DELICIOUS AND HEALTHY(just keep telling yourself that*looks at braum*>.> )

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Guys there's a different thread for chat like this.

Here's a reminder that champion mastery 5 doesn't mean you're good at the champ, just that you play a lot.e9a2e41a20.png


I like to think my level 4 Azir mastery really shows, though.

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I did pretty good this game. Died one too many times, but I was tanking quite a bit while ferrying around a tasty Riven. If there was anything I would do differently next game, it'd be stop trying to help the Jinx who would rather try her luck 1v3 than teamfight while she's still miles ahead of Vayne.


I dunno why I never ate those cookies either.

nice locket against a mostly ad team,,, 8)

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nice locket against a mostly ad team,,, 8)

I'd say it's rather symmetrical. Considering the build I'm under the assumption it was more of a tiger stance udyr, but even the phoenix gives some magic damage, the ap oriented Nunu support, the AP Tahm Kench, and then Vayne and Riven for the AD.

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I don't always play Corki, but when I do I get a Quadra and go Legendary


(Damage stats included because whynot? I always find them interesting owo)

Also, 4v5. Vik ragequit because Diana yelled at him because Malzahar kept roaming top. Though Rek'sai didn't even notice he was gone XD I saw him leave otherwise I wouldn't have either, was easy to forget

Shoutout to Raka for saving my ass in early laning so I could farm. Jinx and Blitz were going ham on us, but thanks to Raka I outfarmed Jinx so when Rek'sai ganked we were able to dunk them

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Good stuff good stuff. Just a recommendation, if that team wasn't so... poor, I'd recommend picking up a Quicksilver Sash into Mercurial Scimitar instead of the Guardian Angel considering they have game changing CC, like Malz Ult, Gnar W and Ult, Jinx E, etc.

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Good stuff good stuff. Just a recommendation, if that team wasn't so... poor, I'd recommend picking up a Quicksilver Sash into Mercurial Scimitar instead of the Guardian Angel considering they have game changing CC, like Malz Ult, Gnar W and Ult, Jinx E, etc.

I did consider QSS, but but decided surviving Voli was more important than escaping Malz ulti (As it states in the chat, those are the only two things I feared owo)

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I did consider QSS, but but decided surviving Voli was more important than escaping Malz ulti (As it states in the chat, those are the only two things I feared owo)

Malz ulti would make setting you up for Volibear about 20x easier, since you can just Valkyrie away from the bear and it'll be hunky dory or whatever the hell the expression is.

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