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Games like these are why I play the fucking game. Really intense from start to finish. (I met Zed of legends two games ago after they struck up a conversation in Korean)

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Games like these are why I play the fucking game. Really intense from start to finish. (I met Zed of legends two games ago after they struck up a conversation in Korean)

If you play with a korean in ranked you know your bout to get carried.

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Oh shit i just noticed that wheres the tear xD

Manamune is a really sub-optimal item on AD Kog actually. The build I find most optimal is: TriForce>Bork>Greaves>PD>IE>LW/MS. The general build that most people use is TriForce>Bork>Greaves>LW>IE>MS.

I looked up this guy and his build generally goes like this: Bork>Runaan's>Greaves>Infinity Edge>Zhonya's>Youmuu's. Needless to say, it's awful and it doesn't seem like it works out well for him.

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>Starting E

They nerfed her that hard? How is she even playable O_O

the q base nerf makes it so you have to go trailblazer (or whatever the one that heals you is called) since you take to much damage in how long early clearing now takes you, although most people had already stopped taking blue smite but once you get runeglaive tho her damage is amazing with a little ap so i think she's still competitively viable

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