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Yeah, Riven takes a lot of skill. All I've managed to figure out is how to intertwine AAs and Qs to cancel animations... And only in 1v1s, my teamfighting is still "press all the buttons and hope things die"

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Just a tip for all of you if you have a diana and a leona which are one if not the best champs for locking down enemies and theres a ap kog on the enemy team u might wanna destroy kog asap or u gonna lose some lp


And if you were wondering what the dmg dealt here u go http://imgur.com/l6hS3xp

Edited by foovy10
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Wanted to play Darius the second the first person picked Irelia. Picked it. We get to the two last picks who are stuck with AD and support. Second to last pick goes support and when the last guy claims he can't adc, the guy swaps to ashe within the last second. Thresh grabbed support and because I had to do what was better for the team, I traded for Ashe with him. Not exactly the champ I'm fantastic with or one that I like too much, but I'm proud of the performance.


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Wanted to play Darius the second the first person picked Irelia. Picked it. We get to the two last picks who are stuck with AD and support. Second to last pick goes support and when the last guy claims he can't adc, the guy swaps to ashe within the last second. Thresh grabbed support and because I had to do what was better for the team, I traded for Ashe with him. Not exactly the champ I'm fantastic with or one that I like too much, but I'm proud of the performance.


Nice guys finish first :D

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Very first non-bot match as Blitzcrank. Got an S rank. I know I was support, but it was so easy to kill with him.

>No Sightstone

Outside that you did great. Blitz is very well known for taking all the kills. When you can, give them to your ADC, but don't freak too much if you get the last hit

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Gangplank told me I was only a fucking stun-bot. Bitch please. I sat in a golden stasis oasis while I watched my bear Tibbers melt all of their faces. And that was my attempt at a rap. Holy shit I'm stupid.



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Welcome to the League of Stolen Pentakills


I know this feeling all too well as of late. My last quadra (IIRC I was ADC Corki that was a crazy game) had their fifth member die just as I killed the fourth

EDIT: Ah, here it was: http://www.pokemonreborn.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=2996&page=153#entry377985 I was so sad when I didn't get the penta... but so happy that I got a quadra when I got five man ganked with no midlaner (and IIRC no TP on our toplaner either)

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And the verdict is: Regardless of whether or not the Elise can get a pentakill, Tristana is still more likely to carry a game. Sure Kayle dc'd but it was during the time we were pushing up to the nexus while everyone had died, including her.


also debunking Tahm's salt. I did so much damage that he didn't even have time to react to put up his shield. zzz


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