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Hey, I played like I would as any support. If I could give up a kill I gave it up. The fact that I had such an obscene number of kills is purely due to the enemy team throwing themselves at me (Literally, WW constantly ran straight at me and let me stun him under/just outside my tower before Draven even connected) Though I'm sure plenty were from me Flash>ulti>W and insta-gibbing things

The only non-support item in my build is Abyssal (or maybe it is, I've just never seen it) I just needed a bit of MR and that seemed like the most useful item to grab for it. Zhonya's is core on supports like Kennen and Morgana that jump in the middle of the enemy team and get blown up without it. DC isn't necessarily standard but it's a viable buy if the game runs long and you have something you can ditch

I legitimately played a good support (actually, I was probs a P meh support, just at that level everyone's even worse) If my carries had played near as well as I had they'd have >25 kills too

*Indignant face*

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Hey, I played like I would as any support. If I could give up a kill I gave it up. The fact that I had such an obscene number of kills is purely due to the enemy team throwing themselves at me (Literally, WW constantly ran straight at me and let me stun him under/just outside my tower before Draven even connected) Though I'm sure plenty were from me Flash>ulti>W and insta-gibbing things

The only non-support item in my build is Abyssal (or maybe it is, I've just never seen it) I just needed a bit of MR and that seemed like the most useful item to grab for it. Zhonya's is core on supports like Kennen and Morgana that jump in the middle of the enemy team and get blown up without it. DC isn't necessarily standard but it's a viable buy if the game runs long and you have something you can ditch

I legitimately played a good support (actually, I was probs a P meh support, just at that level everyone's even worse) If my carries had played near as well as I had they'd have >25 kills too

*Indignant face*

"support" Has 27 kills :/ don't get indignant when I'm pointing out you have a punch of kills

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Do you think people would do that? Just go on the internet and tell lies?

I can't tell if you're saying Abyssal is a support item or if something else I built isn't. Please state what you're trying to say more clearly

"support" Has 27 kills :/ don't get indignant when I'm pointing out you have a punch of kills

Yes, I did get 27 kills, but that doesn't change the fact that I was still playing the support role like a support. If you're attempting to complement me on getting a lot of kills, don't do so by insulting me and saying I wasn't really playing as a support :c

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"support" Has 27 kills :/ don't get indignant when I'm pointing out you have a punch of kills

The kills are alright. Like, I've had high-kill games on supps. My biggest peeve is the lack of utility in her build. Garen picked up the Locket, cool. But, no supp item, so you're lacking a pretty big active out of either Frost Queen's or Talisman, No Rylai's for the slow, No banner of command, No righteous glory, or really...any moderately supportive item outside of Sighstone/Trinket. Build is everything, and yeah being a second APC worked in this case, it serves as a hindrance going forward because it just says "Well, if I just build AP in the botlane, everthing's cool".

I can't tell if you're saying Abyssal is a support item or if something else I built isn't. Please state what you're trying to say more clearly

Deathcap/Zhonya's are not support items. They can be built on supps, but they're not supp items. Same applies with Abyssal (though you'd be hard pressed to find a support waste a slot on that when Aegis is available for the MR)

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fine, then let me rephrase.

The only item in my build that can't be built on supports is Abyssal since at the time I couldn't think of another MR item Kennen could use effectively

And I did have FQC for 90% of the game (I only sold it for Deathcap at 47 minutes in) I only picked up DC at the very end of the match because I needed to have carry stats because nobody else was doing the damage. TBH if I'd actually played as a carry like you say we would have won

Also Zeke's s utility, though I still don't think it was the best choice for me that match. But I couldn't think of another CDR item that Kennen would use even semi-effectively. Due to his playstyle Locket and Mikaels are both really bad buys on him

I did consider RG but I wasn't having any trouble initiating so I forwent it in favor of the MR and pen from Abyssal (as they would have taken the same slot in my build)

And it just occurred to me that when I sold FQC I should have swapped out my boots since I already had at least some pen from Abyssal and was lacking in CDR, carp, having my ulti up more might have changed things a lot

Oh, and before Tacps yells at us, maybe we should swap threads now?

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lux is the worst mid laner right now. viktor with cleanse is the new meta, as he is the best right now. taking cleanse ensures you will never die to your lane opponent, especially to a lowly lux. how can she kill you without her snare? checkmate atheists. she'll never kill you for first blood either tbh, so you don't need to worry about anything. have fun abusing the freelo.


as elise is clearly the best jungler right now, nidalee has fallen off because of her complete lack of damage. she is completely unable to carry, and her jungle route heavily suffers from shaco assholes who steal her blue buff. do not play this champion.

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lux is the worst mid laner right now. viktor with cleanse is the new meta, as he is the best right now. taking cleanse ensures you will never die to your lane opponent, especially to a lowly lux. how can she kill you without her snare? checkmate atheists. she'll never kill you for first blood either tbh, so you don't need to worry about anything. have fun abusing the freelo.

Taking cleanse depends on the laner you vsing.

I most of the time take heal, sometimes ghost if there is no threat in the laner, and cleanse if the team/laner has something like that to kill me( veigar stun, ahri charm, etc)

oh forgot to say that viktor is a beginner i can just tell, cuz all he supposed to do is lane is: farm, wait for ganks, at lvl 9 afk farm with lazer. I understand that he will sometimes die to his opponent but unless it took a long time to get first blood then he shouldnt have died that early.

If viktor just made it to teamfights with very low deaths and with a lot of farm he would destroy your team with peel cuz ur team had nothing to get to him besides shaco and even if shaco got to the backline vayne can just condemn him or blitz just combo him while irelia and grag are in front line.

Edited by foovy10
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...You do realize I was being sarcastic? Right? You do realize this very simple fact, right? Not to mention your argument is if he had done well, which is something I can say for literally any game. If all 5 of us had done well in a game I had lost we would probably not have lost.

I think you just need to take a moment and look at the context. Why would I be talking bad about Lux if I just had a good game as her? Then in my next screenshot I do virtually the same thing.

Edited by Anethia
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I thought u were underestimating viktor cuz u destroyed him and was talking sarcastically about him being the best mid laner right now but he is the best mid atm.

I noticed the sarcasm im just bad with it :P need to get better at me sarcasm skills

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