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well it actually depends on the champ u pick and how fed you do get.

kalista and vayne can carry games ez(u gotta be gosu if u wanna carry with vayne tho)

in supp it just depends on the adc if you can help the destroy lanes and if you can defend them or have amazing initiations for the team. the best supps are naut and alistar.

Mid lane can carry with many champs, yasuo, viktor, kog, etc.

It doesnt really matter which jungler it is but if that person gets all the lanes ahead or do amazing in teamfight. i wouldnt really call it carrying but whatever.

and in top lane the 4 i can think of on the top of my head r fizz, maokai, rumble, and gnar but a new patch comes tomorrow with a few big top laner champ changes so that might change(i think darius will get on the list of top champs to carry with)

oh and here a yasuo game #DAMAGE


Edited by foovy10
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well it actually depends on the champ u pick and how fed you do get.

kalista and vayne can carry games ez(u gotta be gosu if u wanna carry with vayne tho)

in supp it just depends on the adc if you can help the destroy lanes and if you can defend them or have amazing initiations for the team. the best supps are naut and alistar.

Mid lane can carry with many champs, yasuo, viktor, kog, etc.

It doesnt really matter which jungler it is but if that person gets all the lanes ahead or do amazing in teamfight. i wouldnt really call it carrying but whatever.

and in top lane the 4 i can think of on the top of my head r fizz, maokai, rumble, and gnar but a new patch comes tomorrow with a few big top laner champ changes so that might change(i think darius will get on the list of top champs to carry with)

oh and here a yasuo game #DAMAGE


:| that isn't true at all for Vayne

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i find it pretty hard to carry with vayne especially in low elo since you don't get peeled for/you have to be absolutely stomping your lane, it's so hard to get in with vayne since you get just pinked and focused

well i play rengar a lot and from my experience unless u somehow vs high gold players you will never get pinked. out of all the rengar games i play i only got pinked like in 2 games. that is why rengar is stronger in lower elo

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well i play rengar a lot and from my experience unless u somehow vs high gold players you will never get pinked. out of all the rengar games i play i only got pinked like in 2 games. that is why rengar is stronger in lower elo

it's because lower elo's don't upgrade their trinkets

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well it actually depends on the champ u pick and how fed you do get.

kalista and vayne can carry games ez(u gotta be gosu if u wanna carry with vayne tho)

in supp it just depends on the adc if you can help the destroy lanes and if you can defend them or have amazing initiations for the team. the best supps are naut and alistar.

Mid lane can carry with many champs, yasuo, viktor, kog, etc.

It doesnt really matter which jungler it is but if that person gets all the lanes ahead or do amazing in teamfight. i wouldnt really call it carrying but whatever.

and in top lane the 4 i can think of on the top of my head r fizz, maokai, rumble, and gnar but a new patch comes tomorrow with a few big top laner champ changes so that might chzange(i think darius will get on the list of top champs to carry with)

oh and here a yasuo game #DAMAGE

The best supports in silver and bronze are AP mids who just steal the ADC's farm. Support is a deathsentence if you play with braindead retards.

Aside from that role, you can carry with literally every champion. There is no secret to playing specific champions. Champions are a tool to perform an action, and said action is what you need to get good at.

>It doesnt really matter which jungler it is but if that person gets all the lanes ahead or do amazing in teamfight. i wouldnt really call it carrying but whatever.

What the fuck? How is that not carrying? That's the LITERAL definition of the word.

You watch too much LCS. Soloqueue is a shitfest and you can pull shit off with any champ. Lose the

And you died a whopping 16 times in that game, twice as often as anyone else in your team. You didn't really do well there.

i find it pretty hard to carry with vayne especially in low elo since you don't get peeled for/you have to be absolutely stomping your lane, it's so hard to get in with vayne since you get just pinked and focused


Here's a match I played as Vayne. This was my very first match as Vayne in around Silver 5 elo. ADC is also by far my worst role. My support was an absolute useless retard, as expected. If you can't recreate a score like this on a champ you're familiar with, you have a lot of improving to do.

If you get "pinked and focused", you are putting yourself in bad positions. Learn to kite better and learn what safe distances are.

well i play rengar a lot and from my experience unless u somehow vs high gold players you will never get pinked. out of all the rengar games i play i only got pinked like in 2 games. that is why rengar is stronger in lower elo

Rengar is good in any elo because he's a broken piece of shit. Pink wards don't save you against him, since his warning is too short combined with his ability to kill you about as fast as a full build shaco. Rengar is even permbanned in high elo.

Edited by Doj
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First off rengar is not gonna be op if he gets cced and dies before killing his target

Second keep in mind that im a yasuo that is squishy and jumps in the middle of the enemy team and ult the damage dealer. Dieing alot with yasuo makes sense and dont forget to factor in kalistas and viktors deaths

And u dont have to go 30/6 to prove your good at the champ.

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First off rengar is not gonna be op if he gets cced and dies before killing his target

Second keep in mind that im a yasuo that is squishy and jumps in the middle of the enemy team and ult the damage dealer. Dieing alot with yasuo makes sense and dont forget to factor in kalistas and viktors deaths

And u dont have to go 30/6 to prove your good at the champ.

If a rengar isn't shit, he will use his ult in a proper fashion and burst down any squishy in an eyeblink, then still probably get away due to his speed boost. You can't pink this either.

Dying is never an excuse. Dying is bad. Every time you die, you give 300 gold to someone, or more if you're on a spree. Yasuo is not an initiator, so don't try to intiate with him. That's why you die a lot.

The only sense you can make out of dying a lot is that you're bad. Nothing else.

You also completely misunderstood the reason why I posted that image. That was a typical 1v9 game in Silver. Because I'm actually good at this game, I know how to win games singlehandedly regardless of how bad the rest of my team is. I'm also NOT good at Vayne. That was my first time playing her while she's a marksman; my worst possible role. But that didn't stop me from singlehandedly carrying the game, because game knowledge and strategic ability is a hundred times more important than the champion you play, which is another point I'm making with this, considering you insisted only certain champs are capable of carrying, even insisting you have to be good at them.

I haven't seen a single statement from you regarding League of Legends that wasn't downright incorrect.

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First time actually 3v3 with no bots tho Sivir was lvl 10 and they were both speaking only spanish which I don't understand a single word of and I got that Garen first blood followed by Olaf 30 seconds later \OoO/

I didn't like the enemy's Olaf build cause I normally go more tanky :I

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First time actually 3v3 with no bots tho Sivir was lvl 10 and they were both speaking only spanish which I don't understand a single word of and I got that Garen first blood followed by Olaf 30 seconds later \OoO/

I didn't like the enemy's Olaf build cause I normally go more tanky :I

twisted treeline :| why?

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Cause I like it more than summoner's rift :I

But here's a prime example of how bots ruin otherwise fun and sometimes won games http://prntscr.com/87034u

though some parts were my fault for not focussing the nexus while we still could it would've been much easier if it was at least 2v2 instead of 1v2 with a few bots mixed in :\

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Something is wrong with this pic try to find out what is wrong with it(this should take 5 seconds to figure out)


Happened to me earlier. With two champions. qxmSK1m.png

Nasus to Malphite "You will be assimilated" Malphite "Nooooooo" few seconds pass Nasus to Malphite "How do you feel?" Malphite "I need stacks"

welcome to me being dumb and bored thinking of Star Trek

Edited by xXNasDavXx
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I don't generally. But I need to play a bunch of Elise so I have an actual JG in my pool, thus TB. But taht wasn't the point, I was more focusing on the chat which showed me and the people I was queue'd with chatting and derping about. It was actually a fun wait for once

Also, P sure that's not actually how you build Braum but I'm still getting used to all the sprites of things so I could be wrong

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