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On my way to steal your kill


Took them until like 30 minutes to actually kill me. My farm was shit. Mostly because I was spending the majority of my time roaming and making plays. Additionally, when a wave needed to be pushed, I was using autos instead of spells because I wanted to conserve my stun.


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when a wave needed to be pushed, I was using autos instead of spells because I wanted to conserve my stun.

Then you weren't pushing a lane. You were lasthitting it.

Edited by Doj
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Then what are good boots on her? I tend to use the boots that give you increased movement speed when out of combat that I can't remember the name of.

Boots of mobility are generally the best choice. Being able to set up vision and get the fuck out quickly or easily roam is pretty important for a support.

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Then you weren't pushing a lane. You were lasthitting it.

I was referring more towards when everyone was grouped mid, which was rather frequently. I could have just used spells to push but I just decided it would be better to have my stun ready. Was my bad for being vague there.

<Please don't build ionians on supps like Nami. Your build will easily get you 40%>

I'm aware of that, I just decided that since I was ahead, and we were destroying land, the faster and more frequently I could poke with w, the better. I had planned on selling them when my items would get me to 40%. Plus jinx was way more aggressive than necessary so making sure I had Q and W up to help her escape felt necessary to me.
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Most supports prefer mobility boots, especially in solo queue. If you're going to main support, you need to be able to get into your jungle to help against an invade or up to dragon/mid quickly, or else you're going to have very little impact outside of completely shitstomping your lane if you can, and even then that isn't always enough. You play support because you don't trust people to make plays or stay alive on their own, which is key in bronze/silver/gold or even plat games.

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Tahm Kench. That dude dealt insane damage once he got the Titanic Hydra.

He got first blood on Heimer when he, Jarvan and I dogpiled him, so that also helped.

I figured as much but the smite flash combo threw me a little. Most Smite top laners take tp, but I guess since Tahm gets a tp at lvl 6 he doesn't have a necessity for tp
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Shoutout to the enemy team for throwing so fucking hard. These guys already broke down an inhib at 14 minutes, and by 22 minutes, were at our nexus with 0 health. Luckily I was able to flash Tibbers Tristana to kill her before she got the nexus. And from the there, the enemies came in waves to try and take down our base. We killed them each time, took a baron and pushed out. Wash, rinse, repeat. I played base defense for half the time, which is why my kda isn't stellar. Not to mention I couldn't walk into lane with Viktor without him bursting me down in an instant. But, Warwick, Bard, and Varus were off getting kills. When they did, I'd push up with them, and then Heimer and I would go back to defending base.



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