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I really don't want that bot lane back...no one wants to play against it. NO ONE. Graves/Leona would be preferable.

There has been some discussion of Braum nerfs for 5.18 though...

Wouldn't need to nerf Braum if they'd just buff other fucking supports. Ali/Braum are only strong because Rito decided to nerf every other fucking support since last season.

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Wouldn't need to nerf Braum if they'd just buff other fucking supports. Ali/Braum are only strong because Rito decided to nerf every other fucking support since last season.

more sona nerfs y/y but yeah braum is really good in and outside lane and meanwhile as ali you get level 6, have your jungler gank bot and just cc enemy laners then just ult and tank turrent for years

ping won't keep me down ;w;


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you're last pick a lot and i still never get to adc wtf

Yeah cause I know your support play is better and that you can pick me adc to ensure I get my more comfortable role zzz.

From 0 LP to 0 LP real quick.


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More like you got rekt friend. Better thank Nasus for the carry or thank Lee Sin and Azir for throwing

I got 4 kills in lane so i stomped trist in teamfights.

and the lee always tried to insect me but i ulted behind him last second everytime so he would kick me back.

The azir got kills cuz they went 5 man bot like 4 times in that game but he was useless cuz nasus just 2 shot him.

Edited by foovy10
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