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Someone call the chiropractor. I can't even begin to explain how much Alistar saved me from Shyv. She would jump on me, and if I didn't catch her in my traps, I would get deleted super quick. This guy always cut her off mid dive and saved my ass on many occasions. Also shoutout to Skarner for catching anyone out of position and giving me these kills.

Game was so heavy against us for a while. Annie, Gangplank, Thresh, and Vayne were in our base and it was just me left to defend with Skarner. Not even knowing how low they were since I had no time to unlock camera, I fired ult towards the group of enemies taking down a nexus tower and miraculously killed Gangplank. Left Annie, Vayne, and Thresh with little to no health. Vayne tried to assault me but luckily I flashed into fountain in time. From there I just use my AoE damage to take em all down and get the game winning baron.


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That TF tho

While he died a lot, he was far more useful than Riven. His gold cards were always on point. Even if they did lead to his death, it lead to some easy kills on my behalf. The Mejai's was nothing if not questionable, but he did his job well.

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We won mid, bot, jungle (Jax died a few times due to a few good grabs by turrets), and pretty much went dead even in top. How the hell did we lose? Is Ez just that weak?

And yes they left, but right at the end.

Ez probably would have done better with an Iceborne Gauntlet and Bork instead of Triforce and Infinity Edge. Having armor against that jax would help a lot, plus the Iceborne gives self peel, ap scaling, more mana for Manamune, etc. Also, considering Ez is going to be using Q more than auto attacks, crit isn't necessarily the strongest stat to build on him. Having a bork to have lifesteal and the percent health damage can give the Q more damage and gives Ez some survivablity, on top of even more self peel with the active.

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