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This is how I was doing before my computer froze. Rejoined just in time to see the end result screen. Teemo mid is fun, laning against Fizz is not.

And Taric went top for some reason. Said that he mained him and that he countered Garen, but doesn't look like it.

Edited by Generalguy64
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played really well in lane until the thresh hooks attacked but managed to display epic lucian mechanics and helped win the game *-*


When you lowkey help Troy win a game that eventually helped him get to series. I definitely claim full responsibility for this promotion.
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I think that went pretty well for my first PVP game ever. Dat Win/Loss ratio tho.

Also, who the heck stole the name Fluxator? It's literally a made up word...

Obviously, I don't expect to do that well against people who are more experienced, but it was a nice start.

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I think that went pretty well for my first PVP game ever. Dat Win/Loss ratio tho.

Also, who the heck stole the name Fluxator? It's literally a made up word...

Obviously, I don't expect to do that well against people who are more experienced, but it was a nice start.

Trust me when i said its hard to find names that arent taken on League( 60 million people play this game if i remember correctly?)


If you wanna add some friends my summoner name is Void D3stroyer so u can hit me up by hitting the button on the bottom right corner with the people on it and click the add friends button.

Also if you want u can hit me up and i can tell you who you should buy based on what you like to do wether its assassinating, taking hits so your team can do damage while you protect them, or if you wanna be a crazy lady with a rocket launcher and a mini gun you buy jinx.

Edited by foovy10
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