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Well the way Nocturne works in this mode, a single Nocturne's Duskbringer can be used by everyone on his team, so everyone gets the AD and movespeed boost. (I call it the Spectral Highway.) You can also single out a person easily by gang-ulting on him then just chaining your fears till he dies. In Darius's case, he might just Q out of desperation - that gives all the ganging Nocturnes an Attack Speed boost on top of the extra AD.

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Well the way Nocturne works in this mode, a single Nocturne's Duskbringer can be used by everyone on his team, so everyone gets the AD and movespeed boost. (I call it the Spectral Highway.) You can also single out a person easily by gang-ulting on him then just chaining your fears till he dies. In Darius's case, he might just Q out of desperation - that gives all the ganging Nocturnes an Attack Speed boost on top of the extra AD.

Pain train, Pain train

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>>Best KDA in the game (assuming I did my math right, enemy Veigar might be higher)

Don't worry about what they're saying. Sure you weren't perfect (EX: your kill participation is meh, with a teamfight comp like that you should try to stay with your team better) But you definitely weren't shit. They're probably just being typical League players and trying to dump their frustrations on others :P

TL;DR Good job ^_^

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>>Best KDA in the game (assuming I did my math right, enemy Veigar might be higher)

Don't worry about what they're saying. Sure you weren't perfect (EX: your kill participation is meh, with a teamfight comp like that you should try to stay with your team better) But you definitely weren't shit. They're probably just being typical League players and trying to dump their frustrations on others :P

TL;DR Good job ^_^

your math is correct. The problem is with most Mids they expect you to be able to one shot carries and Lulu just can't. Support mids aren't valued until you run into really high elo
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your math is correct. The problem is with most Mids they expect you to be able to one shot carries and Lulu just can't. Support mids aren't valued until you run into really high elo

i feel like im gonna really like lulu mid cuz im really good with safe long ranged mid picks ( viktor, kog, xerath, etc) and again, i was vsing a veigar and their shaco was pretty good and i didnt die once in lane which is really surprising to me and really good in my opinion.

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i feel like im gonna really like lulu mid cuz im really good with safe long ranged mid picks ( viktor, kog, xerath, etc) and again, i was vsing a veigar and their shaco was pretty good and i didnt die once in lane which is really surprising to me and really good in my opinion.

No doubt she is good, I'm just saying as one who has done Lulu Mid quite often that it is essentially a flame fest. Most people do not like support mid laners, they prefer carries, yes Lulu is very good for utility, but most people don't see her for that, they see mid as a win lane win game sort of thing

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the only suggestion i have for you is not to build into rylai's; passive doesn't proc it and, c'mon. you've got two slows, and a polymorph. you don't really need it; zhonya's third items or even ludens is so much better, and more importantly. more fun.

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the only suggestion i have for you is not to build into rylai's; passive doesn't proc it and, c'mon. you've got two slows, and a polymorph. you don't really need it; zhonya's third items or even ludens is so much better, and more importantly. more fun.

Lulu can do well with the health tho. But yeah the slow isn't that great

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health and 100 ap but the stats on their own aren't efficient enough compared to magic pen since she doesn't make use of the passive itself; i love lulu (and play her mid a lot) and i love rylais, it's honestly my favorite item

but there's just better options. magic pen, or more flat ap with stronger passives/actives or better stats that allow her to get her job done. i'd like rylai's if it applied on pix attacks, but otherwise she just doesnt make use.

solo queue screenie inc

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