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I just decided on a upclose adc that movement speed, health, damage, and armor pen when i was getting cleaver would have worked all right.

Shiv and Zerkers isn't enough attack speed with runes. That's Graves' big downfall, yes he does a ton of damage up close, but in extended fights, he can't attack fast enough. Also if you wanted armor pen, you could have gone LW.....

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Shiv and Zerkers isn't enough attack speed with runes. That's Graves' big downfall, yes he does a ton of damage up close, but in extended fights, he can't attack fast enough. Also if you wanted armor pen, you could have gone LW.....

This isn't PBE, he attacks fine right now. Cleaver would've been better if he had other physical damage sources, but I can see why he'd get it anyway.

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Including Kindred, out of all ADc's, he has the 7th lowest attack speed at level 18. This is higher than Jinx, Tristana, Kindred, Ezreal, Sivir and Corki. Kindred, Sivir and Corki do not have attack speed buffs while the other 3 do. So does Graves. On top of this Graves will usually build Greaves and either Shiv or PD so he can continue doing damage with auto attacks after his burst rotation - Shiv adding a bit more damage and PD letting him get E up faster and just do more damage considering he's an ADc.

Extremely slow aa rate? Not on live he doesn't.

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Including Kindred, out of all ADc's, he has the 7th lowest attack speed at level 18. This is higher than Jinx, Tristana, Kindred, Ezreal, Sivir and Corki. Kindred, Sivir and Corki do not have attack speed buffs while the other 3 do.

You forget ricochet post level 6 my dear.

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ok so here i have ANOTHER 6 games so here we go again.

When you have this many games to share, could you please spoiler them? Trying to load too many images at once causes my browser to freak out. Also it's a lot to scroll past just in general

Also, @Dobby, instead of double Morrello, get one Morrello and one Athene's. Same CDR, but less overlapping other stuff. And later on you'll only want to get one CDR item at a time when you start filling out rune and mastery pages ^^

You'll also want to start taking Flash on literally everything, with a couple exceptions for things with dashes or blinks in their kits. Morgana especially makes great use of it with her strong initiation. Flash>Ult>Zhonya's into the enemy team can be amazing if timed properly

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When you have this many games to share, could you please spoiler them? Trying to load too many images at once causes my browser to freak out. Also it's a lot to scroll past just in general

Also, @Dobby, instead of double Morrello, get one Morrello and one Athene's. Same CDR, but less overlapping other stuff. And later on you'll only want to get one CDR item at a time when you start filling out rune and mastery pages ^^

You'll also want to start taking Flash on literally everything, with a couple exceptions for things with dashes or blinks in their kits. Morgana especially makes great use of it with her strong initiation. Flash>Ult>Zhonya's into the enemy team can be amazing if timed properly

that or death cap

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yeah, I knew that but Morello was there and we were crushing anyway, figured it didn't matter

You would be surprised how much it matters. A big part of maintaining a lead in League is using your gold advantage effectively

Thus why I always play AA-based Cho'Gath when I have toplane, because that's definitely very gold efficient owo (Translation: Very expensive for the low payout)

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I did pretty mediocre this game other than a few good saves with the wall, but I just wanted to give a shout out to the Pentakill for Kha'zix. And to hopefully figure out what exactly was this Nautilus build. They pushed bot lane a lot and did show up for fights, but that just seems unreliable. And just realized I forgot to upgrade boots. Probably would've been smart.

Edited by Generalguy64
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