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Noticed Tryndamere got Thornmail instead of boots. Against that team that's actually a really smart idea. Against Kindred it hurts a ton since the %health damage from both her passive and E is also reflected. The same goes for Ashe's Q. The thornmail would thus have forced the AA-heavy team away from the seemingly fed Tryndamere as to not end up killing themselves before taking out key members of Ark's team in fights, whether Tryndamere be splitpushing or acting as the team's sole front liner in teamfights.

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Sejuani, I've told you 5 times already, don't run away when you're brought back to life after dying. Go out fighting! You've got nothing left to lose.

She finally listened at the final teamfight at their nexus. Everyone on their team other than Heimer was dead and it was just me, her, and Thresh. I ulted her since she was really low, she dove Heimer under his turrets, Thresh and I took nexus. It was amazing. No one remembers Yorick.

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Jungle Nasus is WAY too much fun xD after my I got a killing spree I was unkillable > :D Aaaaand then I had a 6-0 killing spree after dying at 0-16 then dying brought my score to 2-20 ;c And then dah kills \o/

And yes, that's a "support" Zed

Edited by Wendel
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