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This game went on way longer than it should have. Just felt like sharing it since I got about 12 stacks, so did a lot of damage.

And how else are you supposed to build Sona? She scales really well off AP and CDR, and the support items other than the full gold income one (I run FQC) are not good for low level matches like mine.

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Yes, but as a support scaling isn't important. Your job is to bring utility, not damage. You can easily hit max CDR with support items (which are notably cheaper than AP items) Meanwhile you'll get a lot of more important things like defensive stats and utility actives that a support needs to carry their team. At lower levels building full AP can work, sure, but it's a bad habit to get into

You should be getting Zeke's, Locket, Mikeal's, Frozen Heart, Iceborne Gauntlet, or CDR boots if you need cooldowns

As a support I actually tend to struggle with not overcapping my CDR since every utility item ever has it. And you shouldn't be worrying about AP as your kit is likely built to have plenty of utility even without a ton of AP

EDIT: I really hate this Thresh


Messed up my (already terrible) CSing, like srs, I just wanted at least one cannon minion and he would not let me have it. Kept flashing for kills or just generally trying to get kills whilst I was doing other things. And end game he's like "I gave you all your kills, so we won." Lolno, we won because of Riven carrying. I did nothing for the team because I missed like three kills worth of farm (maybe more since Ashe wasn't worth anything no matter how many times he ignored the tower to go for her) and didn't have Zhonya's as an ADC so my utility was a little limited

Ugh, frustration. But hey, AD Kennen actually works now so that's kewl

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Highly doubtful. Sneaky's got two he plays on stream to my knowledge that are C9 Sneaky and C9 Stealthbomber

i'm fairly certain he has plenty more from those two, and judging from the screenie, it's level 30 and in bronze 1 if we're talking about the vayne which makes it impossible to be him since he wouldn't be playing norms after 30/it's b1 .__.

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i'm fairly certain he has plenty more from those two, and judging from the screenie, it's level 30 and in bronze 1 if we're talking about the vayne which makes it impossible to be him since he wouldn't be playing norms after 30/it's b1 .__.

As I said, those were the only two I knew about from his stream

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Such negativity. Much fun anyways

Following the mention of skins effecting gameplay in the general chat thread, I decided to put on my Steel Legion panties (...I need some of these now, lol) and have a go at playing Lux. Apparently I'm still really good at her

We still lost tho, Lucian splitpushed us to death once I stopped being able to 1v1 him. Didn't help that Lee and Rango were arguing constantly :P

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Steel Legion panties...

Anyway you'd be able to 1v1 Lucian easily as Lux as long as you stayed out of his autoattack range and punished him if he tried dashing in, since he had no defense. Lucian just knew what he was doing so oh well. Lessons learned, right?

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Well, he generally won because Rapidfirecannon+skills was enough to burst me down if he got a crit

And one time I forgot to W before ulting so he killed me with his ulti before the windup finished, that was a fail on my part (I mean he would have dodged anyways, the bind ended and his dash had come back up)

EDIT: I suppose if I'd been able to dodge his starz of movespeed I would have been more successful. But I couldn't outburst burst him without ulting so it took two skill rotations. Which before he could kill me in one was fine but didn't work out so well later on

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