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1st. Youmous GhostBlade( or get hexdrinker first if you are against ap then ghostblade)

2nd. Ionian Boots(This is so I have my summoner spells more often, so I can roam, and so I can get 40% cdr)

3rd. Black Cleaver(Armor Pen+Health+damage+20PERCENT CD= Success

4th. Cutlass(for the active, I finish this after I finish the rest of the build unless I wanna split push which makes me upgrade it)

5th. Bloodthirster(This gives a lot of damage and the shield to help me survive my assassination attempts)

6th.Defensive Item or Infinity Edge


Armor Pen. Reds

Health Per Lvl Yellows

Flat Mr Blues

Flat Ad Quints


What People Normally Use(Fury vs Sorcery Is preference but I Prefer Sorcery):


What I use(This one helps me survive lane):


Edited by foovy10
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This poor Jax. He actually got the first kill on me in lane, then I got a teddy bear and he couldn't stand up to the kawaii

Don't you just love when Tibbarz only has five seconds left to cast again after he dies? I wasn't even at max CDR

And don't forget Insight, Lucidity, and Distortion. 3 minute Flash CDR sugoi

EDIT: Oh, also, was thinking I should sell Luden's for DC after I finished Rylai's

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So, not gonna lie, I was 100% useless this game

But I had a perfect game. A perfect game as Lux against a Yasuo. He probably didn't use his wind wall very well. IDK, I wasn't paying attention to how well he played, was too busy scrounging for CS

Loohcs tneve emag noitamina cisum

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and today I learned never tower dive Vel'Koz

On a completely different note, Zed, Good burst main items depend on match up really

Starting items: Long Sword 3 pots

Yomuu's is a must in all

Maw is great right now


Ionian Boots


Situational, not required

Bloodthirster (This is the second most optional item on Zed, not required in anyway since it is out classed by a defensive item chain)

Infinity Edge (the most optional item, only buy if stomping the game really hard)

Ravenous Hydra (active procs extra damage on your ulty, and very good for split pushing)

Mercurial Scimitar (IMO better than BT now that it gives life steal and QSS active will save your life)

Black Cleaver (Is good at the moment since most of the Last Whisper items suck)

Defensive items other than QSS

Guardian Angel

Banshee's Veil

Randuin's Omen (active is surprisingly useful)

and for shits and gigs Spirit Visage

While Foovy's runes are generic as all heck, and essentially used by all Zed players, I go a bit different

9x Armor Pen reds

9x Flat Armor Yellows

9x Flat MR blues

2x AD Quints

1x Bonus Lifesteal quint

My masteries run slightly different, I use Intelligence, 45% cap CDR is too good to resist.

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My masteries run slightly different, I use Intelligence, 45% cap CDR is too good to resist.

while 45% cdr sounds amazing in theory, it is nowhere near as strong as precision right now. precision is really strong right now, and the fact that armor pen is harder to come by now because of the lw item nerfs doesn't help. the added burst is just rly good and better imo.

But ofc it is ur preference so do what u wanna do man

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while 45% cdr sounds amazing in theory, it is nowhere near as strong as precision right now. precision is really strong right now, and the fact that armor pen is harder to come by now because of the lw item nerfs doesn't help. the added burst is just rly good and better imo.

But ofc it is ur preference so do what u wanna do man

:/ I should have put IMO, but oh well

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here have some more quinn games

like holy there hasn't been one game i haven't gotten fed on this champ in the jungle yet and tbh i think she's a better rengar, only really downside to this champ is that it's somewhat easy to invade her, but there's a ton of places in the jungle you can use your e to hop a wall to safety and is probably still a better early duelist then rengar


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Do you take 1 LS quint in every match up on zed, because that seems a little unnecessary. I feel like you benefit more from the ad or armor pen quint in most match ups.

It's good for sustaining in lane. Also no, I have a normal AD Pen page but the life steal is nice to have

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Yeah Quinn is better mid and jungle(maybe top) because of her laning power since she does not really need a support and her roams are amazing.

Both Solo Lanes for her are really powerful because her Ult makes roaming from mid super easy and easily affordable. In top it allows her to split push super hard since she can just show up on the map on their tower out of nowhere and get out pretty easy so long as you're watching to see if they are coming for you ((also, being Ranged Top is a huuuuge deal. SInce it gives you a lot of favorable match-ups if you know what you're doing. ALso Quinn can afford to build somewhat Brusier like items and not dip effectiveness too awful much. Keep in mind pre-rework she was mostly a Top Lane pick, so, with how little her play pattern changed it didn't really change that too much.)). She's also strong Jungle since her gank presence is super scary when she's got ult up. However I wouldn't say she bad in a traditional marksman role. Her Q is a wonderful bullying and harass tool and it creates a lot of space for her to trade effectively since she can basically shut down thier damage for a few seconds. It's a super powerful tool in her kit. Her ult is harder to utilize from here in lane, but I wouldn't say she's bad down there though. Like she's pretty solid in like... every role but Support.

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Quinn's alright as an ADC in the right situations, as part of an early to mid game comp (often with Leona), as a hard counter to Vayne, or when you're expecting a 2v1 lane or your support to not do anything. Best paired with utility mage mids like Orianna or Lux who can either help you carry the game or carry it themselves in your stead should you fail to do anything meaningful with your mid-game spike.

She's also boss in 3v3 if you wanna try that.

EDIT: jungle Quinn player reporting in!

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