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So, I got 4 man tower dove twice, first time they did it, got a double but I died, thresh got the zed, second time, thresh and I made it out and walked away with 4 dead doods on the other team. Also Quinn salt in chat.


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Watching Kalistas feed and make me get demoted is cool.

Turning around and smashing people into the ground with Kalista is even cooler.

And I sound like I probably played the game well but my last death is because whilst hopping around at the end of the game, I accidentally clicked Thresh's lantern and flew into the fountain whoops.


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Watching Kalistas feed and make me get demoted is cool.

Turning around and smashing people into the ground with Kalista is even cooler.

And I sound like I probably played the game well but my last death is because whilst hopping around at the end of the game, I accidentally clicked Thresh's lantern and flew into the fountain whoops.


I like Kallista, had a game last night and whist it was strange to get used t hopping around it was fin. Plus I got a couple of snipes with her q

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That is an amazing way to die

Kalista is kewl, but not being able to AA cancel makes her really hard for me. In addition to me already being a bad ADC

Not being able to cancel your auto attack has few downsides if you ask me, outside of possibly messing up your farm, which you eventually learn to do well on her.

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Haven't played pvp on summoner's rift for a while due to technical issues with my new laptop. Boy it feels good to be back. Although, the Yi made me a bit nervous. Would've been a perfect game too, but I had to put myself in a 2v1 situation to save Corki, and well, I may have died but I took Nasus and Aatrox with me ;)


Edited by IronWraith
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So the start of the game is going shit. For some reason Sejuani decides to go top with Yasuo and I get no one supporting me vs a Zillean/Tryndamere duo. A very annoying duo with Zilean time bombs and Trynds q. So the start of the game is evil and I barely manage to hold lane for a little while before letting a tower slip. Luckily they got overeager once or twice and dove a little recklessly, giving me enough kills to not fall drastically behind and keep farming.

This goes on for a while, there's a few unsuccesful ganks and teamfights and we start losing map control. Not good, we lose the first drag, un happy. We need vision so I buy farsight. That was a damn gamechanger. None of the enemy were checking bushes which meant thanks to me we had superior vision. Including when they tried to take baron. Now, at that point we were down to inhibs and surviving by the skin of our teeth so if hey got this, they won. So we go over, I plant another farsight in pit which they for some reason ignore. We wait. I Q,AND I GET THE STEAL IN MY SECOND KALLISTA GAME AND I FEEL AWESOME

So with Baron It becomes easier to defend base and get some breathing room. We start hitting the higher levels, the playing field begins to even with the time we bought. Soon I've got a full set up and I'm wondering what to buy, the rest of my tam are established and it comes down to strategic teamfights. Thankfully, with Yasuo as OP as he is and Sejuani and hecarim being the frontlinerswe start winning to the point where we can take baron again for ourselves. We catch up with dragons, we start getting more control. Soon we manage to get to THEIR inhibs and boom, we start destroying towers like nobodies business.

My second game as Kallista, my second game as an ADC without a support. My second win with Kallista :] Kallista is an independent ghost woman who don't need no support.

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Just another 5-man Twisted Treeline match



this is like that pokemon picture that's all kinds of screwed up and only gets worse the longer you try to make sense of it.


Would you just look at that beautiful 7 loss streak

And not even all of them were my fault, the last game I was even doing pretty damn good :c

it's not a 7 loss streak and i'm not playing well in literally any of these but man that aside i've been playing like shit myself


tilted like a goddamn pinball table in pretty much every one of these except the leblanc game and even then it wasn't remotely fun



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*Fervent inhale* Breathe in the atmosphere..

That Nunu brought Stormraiders on accident. It really didn't work. That LB? Had a grand KDR of 2-10 between Zed and Shyvana at 22 minutes. Also at 25 minutes, they had taken 6 towers. 6. We had taken two. Bot and Top outters. Darius had gone even in lane by the time late game started, Nunu had gotten caught out and killed costing towers a multitude of times. We tried to ff twice but to no avail. But then, with a series of amazing cheesed Braum ults and Jhin trap/W root catches, we forced favourable teamfight after favourable teamfight and turned that sheet around. Sweet Gilgamesh I love this game sometimes. Easily a clutch game that was turned around. No throws, just in the end, an outplay by the whole team.

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