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League of Legends Screenshots


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Season 1. Where no one knew anything, or gave a shit about metagames, could build anything and no one would care about it .. etc etc :P

Not season 1, but since you posted an old screenshot, i just had to post one where I was still new to league


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Since I'm a derp forgot to Screenshot after the match ((I tend to due to the fact that I sorta leave the lobby as soon as the game ends XD.)) But yea, Second ever game on Jhin ((I think... might've been third. Whatever it was still an early one.))

Took me about a use of the Ult to figure it out. I clicked to try an AA them ((since it feels like that would be the intuitive way of doing it at first then it feels much better to have it be fired by reusing the R key rather than clicking. ((since that leaves you a way to cancel and queue in a movement command at the same time.))

Either way... kinda liking the Champ... still not sure I'm even building correctly since... building him is very different from other champs it seems by far. ((that was going to be a RFC if I finished it and I had the gold to by far... we just ended the game though XD.))

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Starting to get back into jungling again since it was my first main role.......sooo is Nautilus mid a thing or what cuz a friend of mine has been doing that a lot in ranked (although he has a much better build then that)


oh and here is another Jhin game I had


Edited by IronWraith
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