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The enemy team did to my team, what I did to their Xerath


But hey, good thing I managed to stave off the surrender since we had three fucking hypercarries you moronic Lee Sin *Ahem* I mean, because we were able to splitpush them into oblivion after their waveclear abandoned them

Also, had the money for DC, but the game ended faster than I could back :c

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tell me tryndamere

what use is your ultimate if you cant do fucking anything during it

tell me vladimir

what use are you when you somehow go 0/4 to a lulu in lane

tell me caitlyn

what use is your soraka when my fizz is coming at you at 700+ movement speed

carrying as lulu so EASY AND SO GOOD

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This poor, confused Darius. He couldn't understand why just running at me and using his abilities didn't kill me--and in fact killed him

I literally died once in laning, which was because of a silly overextension and some jungle intervention (I didn't have RoA yet so no just walking out)

It probably didn't help that he took Warlord's... >_>

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Yes, definitely

Alright! Next time I actually get top instead of mid or supp which is never gonna happen when I take supp as secondary I: I'll go Olaf! ...Or Yorick

Edited by Wendel
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So I couldn't decide who to play and clicked fill. Sort of expecting to get shafted with support, I decided to pick Nami since she was on free and I enjoy her


RIP me, finally getting an S when it's something I was just playing because free

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but that's Alistar in the background


Yes? Cause Alistar's one of the supps I can play?


So, one of my best games of Quinn I've ever played, fuck Kog jungle, my friend was TF adc and Me and Valor are adopting a Kog'Maw to further our relationship Not even an S :C

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Yes? Cause Alistar's one of the supps I can play?

he said it cos u said u were chosen to play olaf while you had just played alistar,,,


in other news, draven literally giving up as i snowball out of control from them playing poorly

before this game, pantheon said that nami/ez had "poor synergy"

we were taking the mick out of that all game holy shit lmfao

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"I hope I remember how to pay janna" I said as I locked her in, 10 minutes later I killste--I mean secure a double and 3 other kills, all in all, a really fun game and hilarious as I roamed with my AP damage page with janna antics (I forgot to change to a support mastery page)

"I fucking hate this janna" -elise

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How does this work and give me an S-, me and friend fuck around like this a lot much to the dismay of team members in the beginning and then fucking this happens xD Leona Braum bot reckage, no one'd dare come close to us xD

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