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I mean when you Solo-kill the enemy Jungler since he accidentlky bumped into you transistioning Top... and jsut wreck his soul at like 6 minutes into the game... before you even have Ult.

You can solo kill an adc too, Malphite is just really strong rn

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How to throw ft. FOCUS TRISTANA


So, we couldn't win teamfights due to Lucian always trying to "focus trist" (I.E. jumping into the middle of their team while their frontline hopped around CCing our team until Trist could kill him)

Thusly, I decided to go full splitpush. Which nearly worked until I started not being able to munch as fast as I got killed

Eventually this all culminated in me getting caught out by Trist and Leo and our team losing a 4v3 (or was it 5v4, IDR if I was back up for that or not, but we were at a numbarz advantage) mid that let the enemy storm our base and finish the game

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How to throw ft. FOCUS TRISTANA


So, we couldn't win teamfights due to Lucian always trying to "focus trist" (I.E. jumping into the middle of their team while their frontline hopped around CCing our team until Trist could kill him)

Thusly, I decided to go full splitpush. Which nearly worked until I started not being able to munch as fast as I got killed

Eventually this all culminated in me getting caught out by Trist and Leo and our team losing a 4v3 (or was it 5v4, IDR if I was back up for that or not, but we were at a numbarz advantage) mid that let the enemy storm our base and finish the game

The 3 and 11 Diana doesn't help much either

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The 3 and 11 Diana doesn't help much either

Ehh, we were still winning with her doing badly. Although her inability to stop Trist from pushing bot did spread me a little thin

Also, I should quote Lucian at around 30 minutes in when I was catching a wave bot and Irelia was finally taking first top tower: "Cho hold your lanes!"

I mean, he was full of BS, but telling me to hold my lane when I was only just losing my tower after midgame had been going for like ten minutes was top notch BS

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Ehh, we were still winning with her doing badly. Although her inability to stop Trist from pushing bot did spread me a little thin

Also, I should quote Lucian at around 30 minutes in when I was catching a wave bot and Irelia was finally taking first top tower: "Cho hold your lanes!"

I mean, he was full of BS, but telling me to hold my lane when I was only just losing my tower after midgame had been going for like ten minutes was top notch BS

welcome to toxicity

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Not bad for my first Sol game I don't think. Just picked him up today since his price dropped ((and the amount of people playing him.)) and this was from Top Lane, not Mid jsut as a word of warning. It was... interesting at the least lol.

Probably will pick him up and play him more since I really liked how he worked. ((should also mention that 1 of those deaths was me trying to fuck around and get a giant star into their fountian... but... firing it the wrong direction and getting really sad lololol))

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AP mid Nautilus vs. duo mid TF and "support" Veigar. This game was... Something


As best I can tell, Lucian got mad because his support went Veigar, so his support went "mid support." Me, I just want my mastery 5 Naut (I'm literally one game away ATM, but that's beside the point) and got tired of playing support. And because I didn't feel like jungling, I went top/mid and when mid popped up I went Nautilus anyways

Although it may not look like it, I'd consider myself to have won lane. Positive score, out CSing them both (not combined, I was approximately 2/3rds of them combined IIRC), and neither of them had been especially successful in their roams. Of course, we still managed to lose, which I had no small part in. But I'm proud of my performance considering the insanity

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Yea that was a Mid lane game was against the Leblanc. Not... sure how she didn't destroy me in lane since her W gives her easy access to me ((inside my star loop.)) though I did just go mid to clear and then used my E to roam and get kills at objectives etc... so I suppose that's why she didn't wreck me... that and I was tanky so it was harder for her to shred me super easy.



Oops? ((this time from Top... against a Nasus.... who built armoooour... for... some reason. Oh wait. I mean a Draaaaaaaaaaven that built armour. I was also... palying Draaaaaaaaaaaaaaven. So, was everyone else... cause... clearly we Draven mains up in here.))

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So, I generally suck as jungle and haven't played Amumu in aaaaages and I decided "meh, wynaut" and went jungle Amumu, so early on I kinda died when I was soloing the Olaf cause Yasuo was too late to spot we were fighting but then did finish him off giving me an assist \o/ Later I had 2 times when Poppy, Sona and Graves were chasing me through the entire map with me literally crying and doing quite some damage and them missing almost all of their abilities, and then killing me but then be finished off by team members again and I also had a great 5 man ult giving us an ace, getting us baron and finishing the game \o/

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Also as an aside I forgot to mention in the above post I've played Sol 2 days now and he's... getting really close to being one of my highest mastery champs ((since my overall mastery levels are low since I stopped playing when the system launched lol.))

He just hit level 3, putting him as my 6th highest lol.

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