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That's just how you play top, bait them into thinkin' they good... then destroy their soooooul

This is what happens when I play Rumble. I just sort of keep running at them no matter how much they kill me and eventually I start winning :P


So, this game was P trash obvs. But boy was it fun. Despite being miserably behind, I made some really awesome plays. And you should have seen Azir trying to save our inhib. He popped up a turret and had a perfect ulti to shove the enemy team out of position. He bought enough time for Udyr and I to come back up. Sadly the inhib still went down, but it was beautiful

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First: WTF


How is this a B? Like, is it really my CS? I have a good KDA, kill participation, adequate gold, I help with a couple towers... Like, I'm not demanding an S but B, really? :c

Second: What The Fuck


Just, look at this


(I'm red side)

So, like, I wrecked Zed in lane but our team kept getting destroyed in teamfights (Kha kept asking who fed Zed... >_>) so we were losing horribly. And the enemy team got us down to our nexus, the toplane inhib, and its turret. And it was just like "welp, Zed's gonna backdoor now." Except he couldn't, because I kept melting his face and my team kept getting Baron

Even when they got 5 drag buff we somehow staved them off. Eventually we were somehow winning. I just had to sit in base and hit Zed with two stars so that he wouldn't kill our inhibs while my team went off and pushed

It was just, it was an amazing game that could have easily gone against us with just the slightest misstep on my part. I mean, I'd positioned badly and been killed by Zed 1v1 earlier in the game. Or if Gnar TP'd in to help and I missed my ulti (I didn't miss it the first time he did that, which is probably why he didn't do it again :P) It was so intense

Also the end was funny. Their nexus got down to one hit and suddenly their inhib came back up. Dat troll inhib, buying them ten seconds while Cait realized what happened and killed it again

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^Comebacks are great ^^

have another Kindred game :3


I'm just gonna end the day of league with this game here. After having a couple of bad games earlier today, this made up for it so much. Start of the match was interesting, apparently Irelia was have bad ping issues and so I thought since Galio (haven't seen this guy in like, forever) was going so aggressive I thought "hey don't take advantage of my friend's ping issue >: (" and thus I camped him for a bit. Surprised he never put a ward down. Bot lane was doing good, Thresh was on the ball. Only lane that was a bit troublesome was mid but all was good. I wish I could've gotten S this game but oh well. Couldn't at least give me A+

Edited by IronWraith
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and add another S to the Sol pile. ((an S- but still an S.))



Not really a huge kill game from me I played more of a safe Sol that zoned the enemy engage from getting to our back line. I just basically positioned myself in places where the Maokai and Darius could only really ever go on me because I slowed them to oblivion with my stars. My Q saw good use on Syndra, probably because she was like always trying to go ham on someone and then I'd just pop it on her. Really they just had the issue that their engage I could stop from doing their jobs correctly and they just couldn't quite take fights they wanted. and that Game put Sol to my second 4 rank... right behind Jhin. Ooooh boyo.

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Thanks for posting that. Wanted to post more Sol Shenanigans.

More or less another game I was a walking zone machine but I played rather well and it was a pretty good time lol. Darius... is a rather easy lane Opponent or Sol I might add. He can't really do much and if you suspect he might try to hook you, fire your Q, if he does hit you, he just pulls you towards the Q that's already travelling and you stun him. If he misses you just ping him with stars and try to land the Q anyway. It's honestly like... one of the easiest match-ups. I didn't even have issues when they built MR first. ((this one built... Ruined King for some reason but... eh.)) So I feel like Sol top is viable in some match-ups. Most Juggernauts he fairs pretty well... for obvious reasons. He also does pretty well in ranged match-ups with Marksman tops like Graves as you can just stay back and ping him a lot. Of course he can dash up to you but you just retract your stars for a bit and slow him to peel him off, or preempt it and smack him with a Stun. Dunno, I really like the way Sol works and he's a rather fun champion.



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