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Hello friend. Suggestions for you.

1. Buy sightstone. There is nothing an ADC loves more in a support than one that will ward and grant vision for protection during the lane phase, as well as ward later in the game to set up plays. It's a key item for supports 99% of the time, and when doing so, the warding totem should be swapped for a sweeper's lens.

2. Take exhaust or ignite on supports. Exhaust if you plan to play a more passive lane or need to negate burst damage from an enemy. Ignite if you plan to play aggressive or want to counter a champion with significant self-heal. Having two heals in lane is not optimal as any summoner heals coming after the first are reduced in effectiveness.

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  • Support Squad

I know muh role. It's just that, well, it just didn't matter to me that game. I just went with it and found we didn't need it and I was like "ooooh, deadmans plate!". The only reason my adc was dying was because akali insta shredded her first in a teamfight anyway, laning was fine with my trinket.

And yeah for Kench I should be taking exhaust. There are times when having two heals on deck does save us though. I don't pop it immediately for less effect, it's just good to have in the meantime when we're both frail af. It works.

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Let's not immediately jump on Dobby's ass here. I mean, if there are more optimal things, there are more optimal things, but whatever happened to trial and error? It worked, so awesome.

That being said, shoutouts to the Maokai who built Morellonomicon. Gotta get that yung max CDR.

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Let's not immediately jump on Dobby's ass here. I mean, if there are more optimal things, there are more optimal things, but whatever happened to trial and error? It worked, so awesome.

That being said, shoutouts to the Maokai who built Morellonomicon. Gotta get that yung max CDR.

I was not jumping on his ass, but merely offering suggestions as to some possibly more optimal choices?

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Sightstone is usually a decent choice especially since it can lump into your gold gen item... however I'll be honest I don't play support much XD. I do think that it might not be 100% necessary every game jsut because of how the vision game has changed. ((honestly you shouldn't listen to me too much, I'm the guy who almost always has the least amount of wards placed in the game. My warding habits are awful.))

But yea at times with Tahm definitely I can understand wanting a higher ticket health item since in having health on him is very nice. He scales much better with it then some other champions just because of his Grey Health mechanic. While defenses also tend to help he does scale well off items with more health on them.

Summs are like usually pref based. Exhaust is definitely the strongest imo ((as it would pretty much make Akali unable to do anything for a few seconds, she wouldn't have been able to pop your adc in a fight and probably would throw her life away just trying to have gotten to them.)) though the Move Speed on Heal + the HP could really help. Stacking it isn't the most effective for given reasons but it still works to some degree ((that team though you definitely should've... 'm still trying to figure out what that Mao is thinking... he has Heal istead of Flash... and it looks like he rushed Morello's... which is... a very in-optimal item on Mao XD.))

Still good job with the game~ Clearly worked with the tools you brought into the game effectively and that's what matters XD>

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F***ing Finally!

151ec14788853deb74aa82c13904d5be.jpgAs for the actual game, just a good Nami support. Definitely helped that they had a duo top. Only time I've ever really seen that work is with Nasus and Teemo, Teemo just blinds and Nasus farms. As for my build, it just felt like it worked well. Funny seeing Cho blow everything trying to kill a Banner minion.

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