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When your top goes afk and your ADC doesn't build damage items first, you slap all buffs and heals on your jungler who is going ham and dazzle the enemy.

enemy kat built all AD at the start, with BT, hexdrinker and IE.

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Jeezus please oh god it burns

Ignite tends to do that.


My friends first experience with new ryze.

Were they, uh. not good? Or do you think it's not especially strong?

While I'm here, have an 80 minute game that we won exclusively thanks to Ame, with no help from the "END OR I AFK" when it's not possible, try-way-too-many-times-to-surrender Lee Sin.


I never want to play Morgana again.

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I think Ryze is just as good as before and now he's got extra mobility...which is always fun!!!(/s) My friend never really played ryze anyway.

Also an 80 minute game...that must be pretty exhausting. Longest game i've played was like 55 minutes and i had to take a break after xd

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the fact that an adc went without flash is actually triggering me

Halp, they tried to 1v1 the enemy ashe who rushed IE while all they had was runaans, I would have to die to save them, then as I die, they turn to fight again. If the enemy ashe killed them, they would ask "How??" everytime. the team and I had to explain that damage beats attack speed early on, and since its ashe, she had no escapes without flash vs a thresh, who they said "I hate thresh, blitz and naut."

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75 minute queue (there was a /remake but I still count it as being in queue) for a 40 minute game?


Key fragment? #worth

Now that her W is less clunky and you can W>E (which is a much faster and less predictable combo than E>W) I feel much more comfortable on Taliyah. Also her JP voice is so much better than her EN one, so that helps too


I carried so hard and yet... Rito Y? ;n;

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This game was absolutely bonkers.


Around 25 min was when we lost both nexus towers. Took a lot of turtle and won teamfights to bring this one back.

Also the satisfying feeling of spamming e and hunting down a low health jhin who thought he could bail from a lost teamfight. Poor soul.

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how to get level 6 mastery with garen, go mid and tilt yasuo and the entire team. My friend said when she was spectating, the enemy team would mass ping yasuo whenever he would die. I would also kill kindred before she had a chance to react. did a play where she was destroying a ward in her base, and I flashed the wall with Q proc'd and just spun on her twice, killing her within a second. Really fun game.

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