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"don't go garen, fiora counters you" - My team at champ select excluding taliyah (who saved my bacon once top with an amazing countergank on shy and fiora) my only death was to shyvana, lux and jhin, who all blew everything to kill me



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fiora wins level 1 but garen wins lane after level 3, unless fiora can riposte his ult at 6

it's a skill matchup but it tips back and forth; fiora wins at level 1 and post-7, garen can bully the shit out of her in between unless he goes super aggressive and takes turret shots

after 3 items though the fiora has no excuse not to win

good shit though, it looks like you pulled through and did your job as a very balanced tank hero

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fiora wins level 1 but garen wins lane after level 3, unless fiora can riposte his ult at 6

it's a skill matchup but it tips back and forth; fiora wins at level 1 and post-7, garen can bully the shit out of her in between unless he goes super aggressive and takes turret shots

after 3 items though the fiora has no excuse not to win

good shit though, it looks like you pulled through and did your job as a very balanced tank hero

I actually won lane at lvl 2, Q then spin was about half her hp with thunderlords proc, late game she couldn't outsustain my damage with IE and Duskblade with hydra, my Q could deal 25-35% of her HP, then my spin with crits would just make her melt and while she's still silenced and duskblade passive goes off, my ult finished her. mid game no one wanted to fool with me so I was left to my own devices, took top and bot turrets while the enemy team dicked around trying to fight my team.

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Fiora shouldn't have the edge against Garen @ level 1 imo. She gets outtraded even if she Lunges on a Vital. The only way Fiora would win a level 1 trade is if Garen is the blatant aggressor and Fiora pops Corrupting Potion (which she'd need to do beforehand). Otherwise Decisive Strike keeps Fiora in line even into late-game unless Garen is forced into a 1v1 situation.

The rest of the lane is purely reaction and not being dumb with Riposte.

Taking Ignite was a smart idea because fuck hydra and fuck her passive

EDIT: It's been a while since I've seen Infinity Edge on Garen, I gotta thank you for re-enlightening me

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Fiora shouldn't have the edge against Garen @ level 1 imo. She gets outtraded even if she Lunges on a Vital. The only way Fiora would win a level 1 trade is if Garen is the blatant aggressor and Fiora pops Corrupting Potion (which she'd need to do beforehand). Otherwise Decisive Strike keeps Fiora in line even into late-game unless Garen is forced into a 1v1 situation.

The rest of the lane is purely reaction and not being dumb with Riposte.

Taking Ignite was a smart idea because fuck hydra and fuck her passive

EDIT: It's been a while since I've seen Infinity Edge on Garen, I gotta thank you for re-enlightening me

IE with Duskblade can be huge burst on garen, critting for about 700 damage then spinning for about 300-500 more takes out most champs, then the finale, with the duskblade passive triggering then using your ult if that didn't finish them off. Ladies and Gentlemen, assassin garen. My playstyle is Hit and Run in the lane phase for harass, farm, then mid-late, get sweeper for those pesky wards then wait to pick off any adventurous champs, then proceed to split push. most of the time, this results in 2 outcomes: 1; they don't bother with me and let me split push all day long and power farm, or 2: they all pile me and let my team push and take objectives.

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she wins level one if she's good because she should walk up, auto the vital and cancel the auto with a q backwards to make the garen chase into minion aggro

as long as she's not stupid and doesn't sit and take q + more autos she should win level one, but after that she eats shit until 6 where she wins unless the garen fakes you out and makes you riposte ult

fiora easily wins the matchup late game, even with decisive strike. unless the garen is 10/1 she should be able to sustain long enough to kill him without going low enough to get executes, meaning she can either riposte the silence or several ticks of your e + she can get ult off before garen is in range to silence

i've played the matchup a lot because for w/e reason people pick garen into her repeatedly in gold 5 and don't learn

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Vs vlad mid was fun, he was suckin my blood, then all of a sudden something went speeding by and all that was left was a puddle. Did anyone catch the license plate of whatever that was?

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Vs vlad mid was fun, he was suckin my blood, then all of a sudden something went speeding by and all that was left was a puddle. Did anyone catch the license plate of whatever that was?

the license plate I think read -176cs >.> oh well have a ninja


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Mumu, don't give up a 20 mins. We might have won this if you weren't so negative


Also, first flat S as best I can remember, so that's kewl. Couldn't keep up with the Jinx rockets doing 75% of my HP on a crit tho :c

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So, I cannot CS with Jhin, at all. I also thought Morg left after we first-blooded Vayne, so I, uh, kinda died stupidly

But overall I played very well. I picked Jhin because I've been struggling with Veigar in my games and I was thinking I'd have a better shot if I outranged him

Only got a B, largely because of the CS I'm sure but also I sacrificed a good bit of damage to build Maw early (I don't think it ever procced TBH so kinda wasted, RIP >_<)

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jungle blitzcrank.

riven who wins lane with ap runes then gives up with this troll of a game and goes crit riven

guinsoos gunblade ryze, who is diamond 1 and was master last season

level 21 ashe

nami daring to 1v1 anyone and somehow winning usually

we somehow won


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resets: the hero

being overconfident in your resets and getting executed to gromp: the thrilling movie adaptation

when you play my main i judge your game how about that one you PLEBIAN (nice leblanc build)



i forgot to get it in the post game lobby so PENTA KILL on hybrid nidalee top because i dont even know why

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