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So this was my tower. There are many like it, but this one was mine. And although it got knocked down to 100 health around the 10 minute mark, I kept my baby alive as long as I could, always checking up on botlane whenever the wave pushed. And then, this stupid splitpushing Ryze killed it ;n;

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So this was my tower. There are many like it, but this one was mine. And although it got knocked down to 100 health around the 10 minute mark, I kept my baby alive as long as I could, always checking up on botlane whenever the wave pushed. And then, this stupid splitpushing Ryze killed it ;n;

I hope you marked him for death in every fight.

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You fucking know I did

Introducing: Team Slow vs. Team Dive


So, my mom shut off my net five minutes before the end of this in the middle of a decisive teamfight >_> (I was literally finishing my animation cancel cycle and was about to AA Irelia for a kill) Glad to see I managed to get my team to a winning position before that

It may not be apparent, but I was carrying pretty hard. I was the only one on the team who could properly handle Riven (who at one point was like 18/1 or something insane, I hope she still got her S :c ) I managed to take what was a losing game and turn it around by maintaining vision with my E and grabbing a couple strong picks with my R, as well as hardcore defending our nexus turret at least twice

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Speaking of Dive, Once again, I show you must be a true SlamDunk Crusader to gain my affection. (darius dove me when I was 200 HP, I get the kill and walk away with about 70HP) after that I snowballed to the point where it took malz ult, darius ult and jax stun to kill me, but even after all that, I took jax to about 30 HP, and darius to about 300, Lee and Azir came in and got all three. Sadly they thought darius was trolling, but he was trying his hardest, I ended up honoring him. (this was a team of golds and plats I think, cause that's all there was on my team, sivir had the victorious skin) I didn't check their ranks cause that would just mess up my way of playing.

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Dis must be Melee, cuz I wavedashed to victory.

Though this Heimer really pissed me off. I mean, I main Sanic in PM, so I understand taunt cancelling, but this guy wasn't even good.

And if anyone is questioning my build, mainly the Liandry over say, Deathcap or Void, I really only build it against Tryndamere. The burn + Rylai's slow or Charm really screws him out of his ult.

Edited by Felix the Cat
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the burn does %current HP and now that his ult stops him at 70 it can't kill him though

Yep, Liandry does not burn to death, can confirm. Watched as a Draven walked away after I got him down to 30 HP and liandry ticks were doing literal 0 damage.

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And thus, the trend of me only winning matches after losing lane horribly continues


"Taliyah WTF are you doing" - Trynd after my third death

"Legendary" - The announcer twenty minutes later

So, Zyra has a fuckton of kill pressure. But she let me get some 30 CS above her in lane which kept me just strong enough to get a couple kills on her if she misplayed

I guess Olaf DC'd, but it was after we started to turn things around

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Need to practice more Vi, Must become more of a SlamDunk Crusader. I'm not feeling great with her atm, I need some work with rotation and counter ganking, but my objective control for the most part I feel comfortable with (solo first dragon at lvl 4, then continue to get dragons as they spawn. Ignore the BT, misclicked it over BoTRK, didn't notice til it was too late)

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We interrupt this "I'm one tricking Ahri" for a special "F*** this champ in particular"

I hate LeBlanc so much. However, this one was really bad. I got first blood on her (though I died to her too), died a second time, then started rushing Zzrot. But we were able to take her down quickly.

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That still doesn't change the fact that the defense and magic resist removal given from abyssal is incredibly useful. A simple negatron cloak rush is useful, but why not build it into something that gives more damage.

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That still doesn't change the fact that the defense and magic resist removal given from abyssal is incredibly useful. A simple negatron cloak rush is useful, but why not build it into something that gives more damage.

One of Zyra's biggest strengths is her ability to shove hard. Zzrot plays to that strength (and is actually usually my last item on her, both mid and support because i just really like it) which is also one of LB's weaknesses, hence why I personally think Zyra counters her. And the turret speed boost is always useful on her since she's slow as f***. Mundo was also with me a lot, so pushing her to tower and having Mundo not die to her spells really just let us push quickly.

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My old pre-rework GP build still works if played safely, sigh I just want old clunky GP back. So got the S this game, the entire enemy team seemed to want to pile me a lot but oranges are k.

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