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critplank is the inferior build now please believe me that penplank is simply stronger


i didnt get this one last night in the post-game lobby but there's no better feeling than throwing a barrel to where the leblanc is w'ing to and watching her health bar go from 70% to 0

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First time Zed. I honestly thought we were going to lose because of my idiocy but then I deleted Diana and Ashe got a quadra and we won somehow

Only person I couldn't delete whenever I wanted was actually the aforementioned Diana, whenever I tried to boop her she'd just use her E and then I'd be ded >_< Our lane was super back and forth, I really enjoyed it

Followed by: Me actually being the best player on my team (in other words I got a massive lead on Vlad but couldn't outcarry the fed Yas)


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New strategy for ranked: Play whatever strikes my fancy when my turn comes in champ select

Sadly, assassin J4 didn't work out too well, it's a powerful lane but not so great after. But other than that things have gone well

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New strategy for ranked: Play whatever strikes my fancy when my turn comes in champ select

Sadly, assassin J4 didn't work out too well, it's a powerful lane but not so great after. But other than that things have gone well

That's because you're building it wrong. If you've seen the stuff that's going on with Ray lately, you'll know that Duskblade is stupidly effective on J4 in the assassin role. Much like Jhin, Youmuu's/Duskblade are cores (after Tiamat I suppose, and sometimes people build Ravenous Hydra before these two).

Don't get me wrong, your build is a-OK and standard, just that without Duskblade expect less kills because lack of AD/CDR for timing and the yummy passive, especially against Flash/mobile stuff


Edited by YagamiNoir4896
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New strategy for ranked: Play whatever strikes my fancy when my turn comes in champ select

Sadly, assassin J4 didn't work out too well, it's a powerful lane but not so great after. But other than that things have gone well

*Cries about lucid boots sivir*
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For a moment I thought the Dirk was more inclined towards Malmortius, actually. Guess that's my bad, (I derp a lot lately what the hell) but you didn't finish it in the end

Getting back on topic, I like how Kled was designed based off memes: http://eune.leagueoflegends.com/en/news/champions-skins/champion-preview/champion-insights-kled-noxian-meme

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It's actually a rather common thing now, especially in higher elos. Being in the jungle makes it so that he won't be easily denied farm and gold for the items he so desperately needs to get ahead. Not to mention the on-hit from bloodrazor works rather well with him. I've been meaning to try it out sometime but my laptop is pretty shit right now.

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First time Raka (I think, IDR TBH). Got Order of the Banana from my PROJECT stuff. Could probably be an S+ if I hadn't completely ignored my SS after ten minutes


And this is why I really should just give in and be a support main

Got Jinx first blood at 4 mins (not to discount Jinx, she played very well) and the enemy team pretty much just gave up after that

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It's actually a rather common thing now, especially in higher elos. Being in the jungle makes it so that he won't be easily denied farm and gold for the items he so desperately needs to get ahead. Not to mention the on-hit from bloodrazor works rather well with him. I've been meaning to try it out sometime but my laptop is pretty shit right now.

I know it's a thing, I just didn't expect it to work out well. Was fully expecting the Eve to invade for an early kill though. And Shaco has got to be his worst nightmare.

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Things you should never do: Play your second game on a champ in ranked (especially if your first game was a curbstomp where the enemy didn't even try)


But I'm the idiot who did it anyways and came out with a 25:1 KDA and my first S+ ever. Good thing Bronzies can't punish my constant mispositioning to land risky Qs >_<

Also, how TF are you supposed to tell when Project Ashe is ulting?

EDIT: Okay, this can't be coincidence anymore. Am I legit good at this champion?


Three S ranks in three games, whereas before today I had only even gotten one flat S

This feels way too easy

EDIT2: And more Raka games


d5d0027c60f6497a912ad93014a5300c.pngSecond one I queue'd with Ashe and Rango

Now, I'm no longer destroying the world on S ranks or anything, and I have had bad games (Hate Leona >:c ). But at this point I'm pretty convinced that this champ was made for me

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This game was....something. adc ahri with nasus "support" actually won their lane due to rengar camp bot, but late game my Ult and item choices won the team fights, being able to make sure EVERYONE survived the fight was my goal, and I met my goal with the final teamfight, which won the game. Ulting as soon as Gnar went mega and ulted us, made the rest of the enemy team follow up useless, blowing all their skills on me which I survived due to Face of the mountain and a quick heal from Q. We killed the squishies then settled in on gnar who had everything down.

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Ahri ADC suffers from a painful curse known as "slow AAs." On paper it actually doesn't look so bad, but in practice it gets really hard to kill things


So, uh, the launcher was not kidding about the login queue... RIP




Got on, play game


Base race, they say. Three of them vs one Garen. And then, I respawn

Oh they tried to back, they tried. But you can't escape the Nautilus

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Everyone do me a favor and buy every Project chest including the 1500ip one. It should cost you a little less than 3000ip but you are guaranteed a project skin shard and you should get 2 other skins. I got project Yasuo and 2 skins i dont care about on my main while i got project yi, dragon trainer tristana, and a nice ward skin(I could have gotten 3 skins but I don't mind

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I shut down gragas top, I don't see him in a while, tell soraka to ward, notice no sightstone. The game declines from there. I'm able to pick off everyone BUT kled in every teamfight, 2 shotting ashe, lux, and morgana. Soraka was pretty useless, ulting to save herself 1v1'ing blue buff. She would also turn tail and run every fight, not using her heal at all.


Its also bad that the enemy team apologizes to me for my team in game

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