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I just have a feeling it's gonna make talon lose kill potential and pressure. Who knows he could be the the next malzahar rework. Only time will tell.

His pressure will center on roaming after the update; Riot has specifically stated that they want Talon to excel as a roaming assassin.

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I feel like we should have won this, but still a fun game all around, Was fun nuking people. Got a quad off one W


This happened just now. our ekko actually rage quit for a bit. he said "if the next surrendervote is no, I'm leaving" ryze and I said no so he left. The both of us were already dominating at the time. The ashe was also very rude and kept saying "ez" in all chat. she was 12/0. Then Ryze and I kept meeting up with her.

Edited by Lits
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Who needs a Yorick update when you get an S- with this shitty team anyway? Most kills in the game, second most cs in the game and least deaths on the team togheter with Braum.


And don't forget the most damage in the game c:

Edited by Wendel
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This was fun. Muted everyone as soon as the game began, proceed to get on hit items (Tiamat, Nashor's, then finished Cinderhulk (Dueling smite only to lower Kog's damage)) Top fed hard, like always, so I just basically ignored them, farmed, and got Veigar ahead to the point where Varus ragequit.

I don't recommend this in ranked whatsoever, but being an angry yeti just punching everything is fun.

Edited by Felix the Cat
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It's been so long since I played not-Support, I failed so hard at CSing

Had a funny little moment where a booped Koggy over a wal but I had like no mana so we had an AA 1v1. He won of course but it was just generally silly

And then I proceeded to never die again



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posting the link because your image posting powers are beyond me:


anyway this game featured:

>splitpush j4 that grouped like 5 times

>invisible murdergod kha'zix who grouped even LESS

>kled being kled

>rengar trying to jump a low-health jax while low; gets a lamp to the face, dies instantly

>kha dives me

>I'm low

>I flash, then hit zhonya's

>he walks up to me


> I live, somehow

>I never aimed but somehow still hit nearly every shot


>kog'maw got executed


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this champion is beautiful this champion is amazing praise her love her she is wonderful she is my lord and savior oh my god fiora is hilarious

i've started getting youmuus after hydra/bc then defensive items or if im feeling like it damage items and oh my god, i'd recommend it a thousand times over, youmuus on fiora is absolutely hilarious. they die in a q > vital proc > aa > e > hydra > aa, probably not even needing the last aa tbh

EDIT: oh wait it says S+ in the screenshot OOPS

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Can someone please tell my frontline to stay and help peel for me and not dive and die because they obviously won't listen to me and I feel like I torture myself every goddamn time I play this champ


Good job on this one. Most people so far post one sided games, but here you were literally behind and you helped step the tide of your opponents, and made a miraculous comeback! Gogo team Ezreal.

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Good job on this one. Most people so far post one sided games, but here you were literally behind and you helped step the tide of your opponents, and made a miraculous comeback! Gogo team Ezreal.

but he lost that game :(

edit: i fucking hate emoticons

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game started off rather well, by which I mean it fucking sucked, with veigar feeding the yasuo, me being unable to do shit top due to singed and xerath being double top and our elise claiming she was a smurf but casually getting executed three times in the jungle in about 15 minutes. the only lane that was going okay was bot, and it wasnt like we had the advantage there either.

skip to around the middle of the match, jinx and elise did their very best to pull a forfeit through on our team, but me being the dicknugget I am clicked no every time, despite us being a ridiculous disadvantage. yasuo was able to kill pretty much everyone without too much effort. jinx proceeded to dc.

luckily yasuo started getting cocky and tried 1vs1'ing a trynd with decent offensive items while he had no defensive items. that didnt go well. somehow we managed to push them back, with yasuo going rambo more often than not and veigar now able to murder stuff. also, our opponents were not skilled warders, and with three of their five champs getting 3HKOd by trynd, wards was something they really really needed. then jinx proceeded to return, and we somehow won a match that was already lost.

second pvp match on my new account after eight months of no league, and fucking god does it feel good.

a small graph to show exactly how fucked we were in the middlegame


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So this was basically a match to test how often I could singlehandedly win teamfights before the enemy team ended

Also Fiora was playing super well (And yet Rito didn't give her an S :/)

EDIT: Posting this for one reason only



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I.....don't know what to say, other than my friend who played lux wanting me to play garen that she locked him in and demanded I trade with her (she was first pick, and she wanted lux and didn't want a counter pick to happen) So level 4 I got first blood, and since that fight, renekton did NOT respect my kill pressure. Later on trundle went over and found a shyvana in our jungle and I went to help him. My Q E literally did 60% of her HP from full health (both of us were Level 5 btw). I have a bad feeling thats all my friends want me to play now, just Garen. Mid game I actually got a 1v3 triple on shyvana, morgana and viktor.

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This was my first game on Summoner's Rift in a long while, and I felt pretty good about it despite the L being a tough one to take.

I had laning phase nailed down, terrifying Wukong to his tower, killing Graves when he ganked, having some timely appearances for big fights and even turning one of those into victories. It really did a lot for my confidence, and I'm pretty sure that with literally anyone else playing ADC, this game wouldn't be so far gone, and maybe even winnable. Who knows. Did really help me to win a lot of the night's shindigs, however.

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Windspeaker's+Athene's toplane Fiddle... Hoo boy

Veigar was a bit of a dick, but he carried pretty damn hard so whatever

Also I don't think I ever placed Zz'rot, whoops...

EDIT; This time I did place Zz'rot! Yay \^^/


I love Kayle

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