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Well than, safe to say I'm not as rusty at Shy as I thought I'd be. First game in awhile annnnd S-. So, that's something I guess. TL:DR of this game. I was stupid far ahead becuase the Cho thoguth he could duel me when he was maxing W. He was super wrong. He'd have had to have maxed E to even stand a chance, but he did not. So, due to a nice early roam from the Leblanc and a very good counter gank from Gnar, I got a few kills under my belt and basically snowballed. The Cho got further and further behind as he allowed me to basically push him back and low health him constantly, picking fights he couldn't win at all. Sadly, he was rather close to tower so I couldn't exert my kill pressure as well as I'd have hoped. 


Enter Mid game.


My map pressure at this point was pretty dumb ((considering I roamed mid and killed the Fizz just cause I wanted to. Didn't even lose my tower Cho was that behind)) As a result I picked up some... questionable item choices. ((Phantom Dancer)) for my Offensive Item and then went into offensive tanked based shenanigans like Shyvana do. Once I had both Sunfire and Spirit Visage... really no one could do that great of damage to me outside of Vayne who I didn't really even need to focus on cause she apparently doesn't understand that just cause you're standing behind a tank... doesn't mean I can't hit you. Cause well... Hydra doesn't care. So long as I had my ult I could also jump on her and blow her up or hope that Malz would click R on her. My Ult really came in handy this game as it basically let me chase literally anyone and anything and the speed of my AAs due to having a strong AA item basically put my ult into a really easily usable timeframe. Due to having basically an abundance of everything I could've wanted other than lifesteal... I started to build Bork. Sadly, we ended the game too fast.


All in all, had a pretty solid game where I was doing silly experimental stuff cause I could.


Damage graphs for those curious.




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One or many of these could be factors:

  • Less than 50% kill participation
  • Less CS and lower level than Karthus
  • Possible diminished participation in objective kills (towers, drakes, etc.)
  • How much damage you dealt compared to the rest of the team (if you secured a lot of kills rather than killing someone from 100%, this can affect it, though it often doesn't)
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1 hour ago, KosherKitten said:


Wait, how did Riven do so poorly? She got first blood


Eh, whatever. I played alright, should have been more aggressive but I was scared of Diana ruining my perfect game :P

Funny thing about Rivens, they tend to get a wee bit overconfident and try to 1v9 at level 6, it tends not to go very well. Very nice job on the perfect game as ADC in 2k17

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19 minutes ago, Avatar of Grima said:

Funny thing about Rivens, they tend to get a wee bit overconfident and try to 1v9 at level 6, it tends not to go very well. 

I've typically banned Riven most games I've played in, especially if someone on my team declares they're playing her. (Rengar has been a bigger priority for me however.) My negative experiences with a Riven teammate far outweigh the positive ones, and she has a questionable standing in the meta due to Lethality being terrible. Hopefully someone can restore my faith in the character one day.

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Being really honest, I like this champion a lot. I feel she does really well with teammates who want to play passively. Vayne was willing to work with me. As for the Catalyst, I needed mana, so I thought I would buy the Hextech GLP Ice Gun thing. Thought that since we were ahead and I'm fairly bad at using Redemption and Locket, the extra mana, AP, and active could all be really good on her.

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i really wanna push for a lot higher this season considering G5 didn't take me more than 4 weeks

i feel like i really have it in me as long as i make a conscious effort to constantly improve on my mistakes- overaggression and mispositioning, namely

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