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A few misplays on my part that resulted in those two deaths, but it's something I can easily prevent in future games. Other than that, first ranked game with Yasuo was rather successful. I pretty much bullied poor Jarvan for the entire laning phase, and when he got a little too big and stood up for himself, I cut him down. I think if I can just get Yasuo every game I can get out of here. I've gotten used to how he works now and if I have a team that works around him it should be fairly easy to win matches. Then again, this is me I'm talking about, and I'll blow it in the next game as usual. :D

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Got zoned early, but I just went to town in the late game. Almost got a penta kill, but Lucian got the last one...oh well. I forgot how fun this guy is


EDIT: Teemo Completely Shutting Down His Lane Opponent Whom He Thought Countered Teemo, brought to you by an unreal Kayle


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I remembered why Corki used to be my main ADC.


The fucking damage on Corki is ridiculous with the right items; passive means constant true damage, E be shreddin armour, takin' down tanks even like Rammus; combine with the Last Whisper and daaaaaaaaaaayum, son. Let's not even get started on the sheen proc for every fucking missle you shoot. Or the crazy lifesteal you can have from all this with a bloodthirster. There's like a million different things you can build on corki, provided you can stick with triforce and inf edge all the time. Then position yourself so you're not teamed up on, and bam. Ownage.



First ranked game of 2014 for me; 9 more until my placement. Looking up! Never did I think I would enjoy the art of auto attacks and positioning so much.

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Indeed. 34 true damage is a lot when you think about it, and it punishes Singed for thinking Thornmail would be the end of his woes.

I would support building Runaan's but I get more mileage out of Wit's End myself.

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It works in extremely niche situations. So niche it really shouldn't be considered core to anyone.

Yeah, at that point I was ridiculously fed in the game and I just wanted some kind of source of attack speed so I just did whatever and got a runaan's.

However, I wouldn't agree that it's completely niche; Twitch's ult works damn well with it, as the bolts extend their range along with the auto attack; the on-hit effects (namely the passive, which you can then chain into a nasty expunge on all players,) plus this are definetely good enough reason to build it on him.

Twitch's ult opens up possibilities for a lot of items, though, so that's not surprising.

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The fact that 2 ADCs can take full advantage of it ( Twitch and Varus, cuz let's be honest a PD is better on Corki) makes it entirely niche, mang.

I meant it's not niche for those specific champions.

Also, I never stated runaan's as a good option on Corki; as I told you, I was pretty much messing around at that point.

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How much do I hate Riven?


This much.

I'm really starting to take a liking to playing Swain just because of the whole niche that he has. He can remain super tanky while dealing a lot of single-target damage, both sustained and burst. His passive is amazing for staying in lane and farming/harassing until that crucial turning point when he hits 6. It's really tricky to farm with him, but that's a skill that's going to come over time and given that I completely shut my lane opponent down, I can go back to this game (I have it on LoLreplay) and see what I did / didn't do and work from there - he could be a main down the road.

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Yeppers. I like Swain more there than mid because he can do his thing better with the plethora of melee champs, while being tanky enough to deal with most of the more powerful fighters like Olaf. I usually leave mid to the champs whom I can roam with (Lissandra, Akali, etc) since Swain doesn't have much in the way of mobility.

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Remind me why I love Corki

oh right


I swear I've been losing almost every aram lately but also getting fed as fuck in all of those yet still losing apart from that one first time Quinn game of mine

I like Quinn now :I

everyone should like quinn so long as they remember hipster ikaru was the second first to do so

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