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8 ranked wins in a row. i love how much better supports are this season-- you can carry yourself by carrying your team, whereas last season winning in the support role was a lot more dependent ON your team.

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After blood, sweat and tears...

So I qualified for Silver again:





Had some eh games above and then lost one due to arguing teammates and myself derping AND THEN:




Not sure how I feel about being switched from renekton to draven but whatever I DID IT YEEHAW

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Asked a D1 friend about Zed vs Kassadin:

  • Kassadin's passive is useless vs Zed except to counter Zed's own passive but whoop-de-doo. 8% becomes ~6.75%.
  • Zed has bonus AD from his shadow. Kassadin has no steroid at all. Easy outdamage and Kassadin is AD and builds BoRK. What is a silence?
  • Zed farms and pokes at the same time, and can even do it from a safe distance. If Kassadin silences Zed in lane, that means he's not farming optimally.
  • Kassadin is a shit farmer/pusher. Zed pushes him to turret, says "see ya" and ganks another lane.
  • Kass runs on mana while Zed runs on energy, only furthering the trading advantage.
  • Oh, you got big burst? Here, have a banshee's veil. Kassadin can't build anything like that that would effectively counter Zed and maintain maximum damage; you could always say Zhonya's but this allows the other team to get ready to follow him wherever he riftwalks.

The only thing that Kassadin has over Zed is that he can easily escape from his burst, but any Zed that tries to all-in Kassadin without hitting 6 first or a significant gold lead is going to result in Zed with his pants down for the jungler.

But aside from that, Best Father NA will be crying all early- and mid-game if he sees a Zed.

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1)Zed and Kassidin are two separate champions, one having a steroid doesn't make the other worse in any way

2)By the time zed feels the need to stop building damage and build that banshees he's already going to be outscalled and popping it before going in isn't that hard

3)Kass /wants/ to be under his tower in lane, he doesn't benefit waiting further up his lane to get ganked by some jungler

4)Kass getting zhy in lane is more acceptable and cost efficient then zed building a sash or banshees in lane, he's forced to build a hexdrinker which is actually really good in a kass machup

5)Zed doesn't have much kill pressure when kass can just silence after he ults and rift walks away, both skills are far lower CD then Zed's ult

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1)Zed and Kassidin are two separate champions, one having a steroid doesn't make the other worse in any way

It is when you're talking in context of a duel between the two.

2)By the time zed feels the need to stop building damage and build that banshees he's already going to be outscalled and popping it before going in isn't that hard

You saw that like Zed is going to grab a Banshee's first thing. Obviously a lead needs to be established first.

3)Kass /wants/ to be under his tower in lane, he doesn't benefit waiting further up his lane to get ganked by some jungler

The king of roaming wants to be pushed to tower?

4)Kass getting zhy in lane is more acceptable and cost efficient then zed building a sash or banshees in lane, he's forced to build a hexdrinker which is actually really good in a kass machup

Again, if Zed has a lead, what's a little MR gonna do to hurt?

5)Zed doesn't have much kill pressure when kass can just silence after he ults and rift walks away, both skills are far lower CD then Zed's ult

Yeah, totes. Because a competent player is going to go in with on Kassadin with everything up.

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for #1 that's like saying leblanc won't win trades against an elise because she has a steriod

3, mid and jungle have a synergy and Kass isn't reliant on getting cs, so just have you jungler take it and have Kass roam

5, could totes say the same thing for Kass, no competent player's going to waste there ult and q before he death marks

and i'd be cool if forum authy people could put this discussion in the LoL knowledgeable thread

But for something more related to screenshots, hiking the high mmr train again


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I've found the best build for Garen. It'll be all the rage among Central Korean Garen players tomorrow!


Ladies and gentlemen, the Garen of Righteous Fire.

The build's purpose? Well, I'd rather not steal Garen's fi-- I mean, thunder!

What is health stacking? What is armor? What is an enemy champion? Nothing, because YOU are the champion when you play Garen, and if that didn't come clear through, then the Garen of Righteous Fire is for you.

Sunfire Cape because you ARE the fire, and no fire dies to autoattacks.

Liandry's Torment for health stacking losers and maximum justice exertion on low health targets.

Black Cleaver because red rings of death tell the others how screwed they are.

Mercury's Treads so you can go where you please, since you sure aren't Mundo but something far greater.

Infinity Edge for maximum spinning damage, and of course winning damage.

And Spirit of Elder Lizard to bring your enemies down in a wrath of FIIIIIIIIIRRRRRRRRRRRREEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!

The Garen of Righteous Fire! it's freelo for only 450 IP.

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I've found the best build for Garen. It'll be all the rage among Central Korean Garen players tomorrow!


Ladies and gentlemen, the Garen of Righteous Fire.

The build's purpose? Well, I'd rather not steal Garen's fi-- I mean, thunder!

What is health stacking? What is armor? What is an enemy champion? Nothing, because YOU are the champion when you play Garen, and if that didn't come clear through, then the Garen of Righteous Fire is for you.

Sunfire Cape because you ARE the fire, and no fire dies to autoattacks.

Liandry's Torment for health stacking losers and maximum justice exertion on low health targets.

Black Cleaver because red rings of death tell the others how screwed they are.

Mercury's Treads so you can go where you please, since you sure aren't Mundo but something far greater.

Infinity Edge for maximum spinning damage, and of course winning damage.

And Spirit of Elder Lizard to bring your enemies down in a wrath of FIIIIIIIIIRRRRRRRRRRRREEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!

The Garen of Righteous Fire! it's freelo for only 450 IP.

I think this build is garbage tbh, but that's probably just me preferring to build Garen as a tank rather than something terrible a half-tank half-damage hybrid.

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Oh look, stuff I built in aram to be funny!

I've tried these items and know what realistically works.

Sunfire isn't a bad item and we all know why. Tank, with a little damage presence. Problem is, without additional tanking stats, you don't really get optimal usage out of it, instead of a stronger defensive item like Randuin's that also will provide utility.

Black Cleaver/Infinity Edge; to be honest neither are bad per say, but having both isn't necessary at all. If you want to go with something, I'd go with Black Cleaver as the Health and Cooldown are prized stats to go with an offensive item. Not to mention, It's expensive to go after for something that needs to run up to someone and then be effective, in IE's case.

Spirit of the Lizard Elder...no. For one, Garen has no real use being in the jungle. Sure he might clear ok or something but there's no use of his passive, his w needs items for that, his q is just an auto attack reset at that stage and r doesn't work. Further to the point, it wastes a lot of things that you don't really need. That red buff proc doesn't do anything he needs to accomplish, the AD might be nice but with the other two items, especially since you don't need both of them, it's not even useful. An item to drop for sure.

Liandry's...my favorite item to build when I absolutely shouldn't. The burn aspect of this item is cool; that's for sure. But the item itself does not belong on Garen. The Magic Pen you need for your ult could come from passive runes with no necessity of losing an item slot or spending on stats you don't need. You're only going to get the burn out of your e, which you could do without. Overall, it's actually in theory a nice item; but will get you nowhere, especially with the wasted AP.

Merc Treads needs no clarification but are always awesome.

Anyway, the items are just not efficient enough for Garen's tasks. If he had a more able way to get from a safe place actually TO someone, and play more assassin based, I'd maybe reconsider some of this, but as this kit goes, there's too much to be lost from simply running to someone to pop any damage. If you q to start chasing, they can slow afterwards and render your attack useless. If you save it for CC, they can just damage you anyway. Afterward, you're not tanky enough to withstand damage after you've gotten there anyway.

So yeah. Fun little novelty build but for the new people in the community; don't do this seriously.

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