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against bots, but I was lvl 18 when tristana was 13 and wukong was 11. I wasn't kill stealing, they legit couldn't finish the job and I would just jungle to the far side and double back to get 'em from behind. Vi's fast recovering dash stun is OP. Spree of 11.


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So we were losing pretty hard early game. Enemy team tried to invade red and Vel got first blood, but because Lee and Vel didn't know when to back off Liss got a kill... and then even more. The Sona was being toxic because of it and basically whining about everyone. MID GAME THO! MID GAME THO! I travel to bot cuz you know, Mundo goes where he pleases and all. Me and Sona decide to team up on the Sion and Leona get em low enough for Jinx to ult and get a free double kill. This is where things turned around because then Jinx got kill after kill and carried alongside me. Effectively shutting the Sona up and eventually winning the game! To make things better the enemy team decided to focus me in the last teamfight. The end of this shit tier is drawing closer.

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So we were losing pretty hard early game. Enemy team tried to invade red and Vel got first blood, but because Lee and Vel didn't know when to back off Liss got a kill... and then even more. The Sona was being toxic because of it and basically whining about everyone. MID GAME THO! MID GAME THO! I travel to bot cuz you know, Mundo goes where he pleases and all. Me and Sona decide to team up on the Sion and Leona get em low enough for Jinx to ult and get a free double kill. This is where things turned around because then Jinx got kill after kill and carried alongside me. Effectively shutting the Sona up and eventually winning the game! To make things better the enemy team decided to focus me in the last teamfight. The end of this shit tier is drawing closer.

All of bronze is shit tier to be honest. The amount of trolls, ragers and poor mechanics are too real. Mundo's good to carry with in bronze elo though. You should be fine. When I was boosting I played riven through bronze. Only riven, someones account now has 40wins 0 losses on riven now or they did last season.

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I really don't like taking hexakill too seriously which probably shows in my end game stats, but as far as getting counter jungled goes, you have to remember that there were 6 people with tp invading, and our ad + support were stuck bot lane which of course means we'll more than likely have to give up the buff regardless. What you should have done is go directly to your red and farm up the jungle until you've caught up. This is where communication with your team is key. You need to remind them to place some decent defensive trinket wards and position perfectly. You'll also need to plan your route around where you think the enemy jungler will gank so you can be there to provide counter pressure.

I also noticed you were complaining about being continuously invaded, and my response to that is since you knew you were behind from the level 1 invade, you should have focused heavily on putting some defensive wards in your jungle and taking advantage of knowing their position on the map. That's also where I should have come in to provide more vision and support for you.

Sorry for not communicating as much as I could of in game, but I honestly just didn't care and was messing around mid lane the whole time. If it makes you feel any better though, the enemy jungler was Platinum.

Wes is garbage and AP Udyr is the real OP [:

OH quick note, you probably want to build more defensive when you're behind like that.

Does not want to fully reply so hostile post takeover

I just got /really/ frustrated with the whole invade for first blood and then getting stuck in place and i guess i ran right back into all of them at blue? that kinda sucked. the game did go better eventually but that start was the wORST ever- and when i went for red, suddenly pantheon :(

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