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draven and jinx you could argue might be the only adcs that take legitimately actual skill just to attempt to play them but once you figure out how draven works you pretty much tell your axes where to land and jinx has those skillshots which are an absolute pain to aim

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Draven is hard to get used to and if he isn't snowballing he's shit. But if he gets one kill it's just a long snowball down. Jinx has that AS steroid and isn't that hard. Just have to position yourself and know when to use stuff. Lucian is easy to git gud but fucking hard to master. Knowing when to double shot, mastering your dash and when to use it. Basically learning not to die lategame since it's impossible for him to die.

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I'm not going to look at mobafire again for builds, because full AP amumu shits on everyone's lifes. Screw pussymode tankmumu.


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Oh boy, this game.

Started out absolutely atrociously despite first blood going to Gangplank. Top lane was getting shit on right from the get-go, because that's what Quinn does to Trondo. She's at our inhib turret 14 minutes in, I'm losing mid because Lulu, and bot is starting to slip out of control from Lee Sin's pressure. Quinn 1v3's Trondo, Gangplank and Caitlyn, which spawned a lot of toxicity.

I've never seen anyone as mad as this Tryndamere. Gangplank was pretty riled up too.

Several 3 / 2 surrender votes later, Quinn is getting more and more fed, too much life steal and shields for me to kill too many people, our nexus turrets are both gone, and all hope seemed lost.

But then.


Everything this guy did was next to flawless. In each teamfight, everything he touched turned to gold. Flawless hooks, flawless boxes, flawless lanterns. Hell, even his wards were flawless. (He had the Draven ward skin after all). Over and over, he kept the people that actually did anything, being Lulu and Jinx, from doing anything. With Quinn solo'ing Baron and Tryndamere splitpushing, fights were stalemate after stalemate but we were slowly making progress.

We had one last teamfight. We're looking for an initiation when Gangplank fires off his ult and we charge in. Quinn took out Tryndamere before he could even ult, but then things seemed to turn to slow motion...

as that suave mofo Thresh threads the needle.

And lands the perfect hook on Quinn.

He instantly tosses the lantern as him and I slip to the back and blow her up, while his box and my wall keep them from running, and they promptly get rekt, allowing us to clean them up to win the game.

What did we learn from this:

  • Never surrender.
  • Supports can carry too, ya know.
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  • Never surrender.

Don't be delusional. Some games are just unwinnable. You should be able to judge when a match is hopeless or still salvagable, cause noone wants to waste their time with someone who adopted the mindset of "our score is 2 to 30 and we lost every dragon and buff but we can still come back lategame xDDDDD"

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there's extreme cases like that of course, but throws happen

unrelated (but related):

[3:40:50 AM] Michael McGlynn: zZZZq0S.png
seen here in this completely unedited screenshot wes is indeed the best
[3:40:52 AM] Michael McGlynn: look at these wins
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I've managed to kick ass in normals for a while now (and lose all the time in ranked silver) and i haven't been taking any screenshots




How to dunk as le vamp

was surprisingly fun contrary to what I thought of him

mainly because of the puns



love heca so much right now

they had superfed jinx

i supershut her down

I also ran away from my initiations 3 times but teamwork was rad so

we kicked em' to the curb

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