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The Carrying was hard holy shit that GP just looks like he'd be annoying. Did you have to backdoor to win? o.o

GP could take 80% of anyone on our team's health with one Q.

And no I didn't. I could instakill ziggs, cait and gangplank easily so I did just that

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GP could take 80% of anyone on our team's health with one Q.

And no I didn't. I could instakill ziggs, cait and gangplank easily so I did just that

Damn that's scary. but gj. Nice Shaco!

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Yeah Lee is a pretty respectable solo queue ban right now considering all of the other top tier junglers can't scrap with him early game. I'd also recommend banning Evelynn in Bronze/Silver elo for obvious reasons.

Gl with the climb sir.

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Yeah, Lee's starting to become a trend in my losses outside of Howling Abyss. I've been looking for some ways to more effectively play against Lee Sin, and some better champs to pick, and with most of my preferred go-tos against him being nerfed this patch or inevitably within the next few patches, I'll just keep banning him, and if he gets through, I'll prepare for the worst.

Personally, I don't like playing Lee, but might just be a matter of lack of practice. Taking the Lee pick away may help things when I get better.

A friend of mine recommended Trundle against Lee, but I dunno. I guess I can ask Void Boss for help failing all else.

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Honestly, good warding and looking for the outplay potential on his Q is the way to go. Trundle and Udyr can both fight Lee, but the amount of pressure you can apply with them is a little too reliant on how aggressive the enemy team is playing and the amount of cc your laners can provide. With that being said, if you're just looking to get to Gold or whatever, you probably just want to ban him if you feel that you can't deal with him.

One other thing... I wasn't aware that you knew VoidBoss! He's a sick Evelynn; you should definitely go to him for jungle advice in general.

Edited by Seraph
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I'd assume Elise would have the upper hand since she has DBlade, but it still seems kind of screwy since Lee 100% beats her levels 1 and 2 when both start machete. I think post that is more of a who can outplay who match up, though I'm sure you've played it way more than I have and probably speaking from experience. As for the Panth match up, anything outside of level 1 Panth has a pretty decent chance at beating Lee 1v1, so I agree with you on that. I think you may want to word your post a little better though considering there are multiple heroes that can 1v1 Lee early.

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i really don't care i love this build so goddamn much. sticking power and SO MUCH FUCKING WAVECLEAR. took two towers in under a minute while my team contested dragon

Stop wasting your gold with that build, Silver.

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Who gives a damn. It got the job done.

Whether it got the job done or not doesn't make it good. I like Silver and try to help him improve even if I'm a dick with the way I do. But like I said, it's irrelevant if it got the job done because if he had properly built with the amount of gold he had, it would have been even more of a stomp. Plus, just getting the job done doesn't help you get better at the game, but rather just furhter solidifies where you stand in skill level currently.

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I feel like Last Whisper and Void Staff are a bit overlooked in your various games ranging from 30 to 40 mins. Not just you but the players in general. Just my two cents.

I know a person (in bronze :^)) who claims the following;

"Ahri doesn't need void staff because she has true damage"

"Ahri doesn't need DFG either because her charm already functions like a DFG"

But yeah. LW and Void Staff are really unmissable when you're fed. In fact, if someone built a little bit of MR, a Void Staff will have a bigger damage output than a deathcap will if you have around 2 AP items

Get that shit, even before someone built MR or Armor, because they will, and even if someone only has their base armor/MR, it still will have a big impact on your damage output.

I fail to see the relevance in "skill level" here.

Refusing to look for improvement is a gr8 way to get stuck in the skill level you're in

Edited by Doj
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I fail to see the relevance in "skill level" here.

Just let the guy enjoy his game and the associated glory, for Pete's sake.

It's a matter of not developing bad habits when it comes to building. Yes, the build may be fun, and yes it got the job done there. However, there comes a point where building "for fun" and playing to win while having fun stop overlapping. To grow as a player, you've gotta realize that, while there may be no 100% right way to build someone, building sup-optimally goes against your and your team's best interests.

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I see that was a badly contexted post on my part.

Build did its job though, so I dunno if the hate is justified, is what I'm saying. We likely didn't see the game, we don't know what the situation called for. Telling someone to stop wasting their gold based on a screenshot seems pretty uncalled for. If it gets two towers while they're off at dragon, I'm all for it.

Moving on and back to my jolly ARAM adventures: Nothing quite like the feel of 100-0ing some helpless loser, even if I die for it.


I swear that building DFG on Teemo is like selling your soul to satan.

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I see that was a badly contexted post on my part.

Build did its job though, so I dunno if the hate is justified, is what I'm saying. We likely didn't see the game, we don't know what the situation called for. Telling someone to stop wasting their gold based on a screenshot seems pretty uncalled for. If it gets two towers while they're off at dragon, I'm all for it.

1) There is never a right time for building Zephyr on Vi, or Iceborn over Triforce if you're going Damage for that matter. The Hydra I can sort of see, but she already has the AoE from it essentially from her E, and her E is also already the auto attack cancel from it as well. You also don't seem to understand that I talk to Silver quite a bit and that giving my friends shit is a daily thing between us all, but if you want to not accept that, go ahead.

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